[eSynes] Congratulation for our new president

Day 898, 02:31 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Arie dian

Welcome back to the 20th edition of eSynesthesia newspaper,well,I'm pretty sure that all of you will be very very shocked because i use english as today's main language 🙂

well,the reason behind this *sudden-language-change is because* someone told me to try to write an article in english 🙂, well i dont want to be a kind of *ostin replicator* or anything else,just want to try to write in english sometimes.

Today Issue is about our new and fresh president from PRM faction,Vlavin,and about the counter-attack that hungary just started yesterday,so,are you ready for the news? lets start 🙂

Hotline News

National hot

Congratulation for our new president

Today,our democration party has reach it peaks,a new leader has been choosen,and he was vlavin,the candidate from PRM faction that being supported by three parties, PReI, PKS, and UGD Monarchy.

Vlavin won the presidental election with 1528 votes (46,18😵 while the other candidate,all-x just reached 1128 Votes (34,09😵,Aside of that, the main reason many people chose Vlavin was because the goals that he sets for this nation,5% population and 20% GDP seems realistic to a lot of people.

Well,Vlavin's main programme this month is to drastically reduce the poverty and Increase the national income,through these methods:

1.stabilize the kurs of our monetary condition
his 1st program is to stabilize the gold value in 35-36 IDR,why? the answer is simple,he claims that besides our monetary rate is already in 35-36 IDR range,if the gold price is too low,this will cause foreign companies to easily compete in the market and they will absorb a lot of gold from us,clear?.

2.Deposit your money in BReI
his 2nd program is to invites people to save money in BReI to keep the IDR rotation in our market,more IDR comes means that we dont need to "issue money" because our money rotation is in a good condition.
we will wait further update from the GOV on this programme.

3.Rectivation of Assosiation of eIndonesian General Manager
The ministry of economy will reactivate the assosiation of eIndonesia business owners,in order to keep in touch and discuss the latest news/tactic related to our monetary condition. This move shall help both of the goverment and the general manager stabilizing internal market and monetary condition, setting lowest or highest price for some industry etc.

4.eTKI Program
To increase our economical condition that we already know in a bad condition since the "Fall of WA" some days ago,the goverment decides to continue the eTKI program,by sending our citizen to another ally country to work (like a real life TKI,lol),if the economical condition of the destination country is good,citizen will get a high salaries and of course a beautifull view from that country tourist attraction 😛

5.Free market
Goverment will not limit a will from people who wants to be an enterpreneur,so youre free to open your own company and dont forget to keep our economic wheel to keep rolling.

Just by seeing all of that 5 point,all of us can decides that his main goals is to drastically increase our economical condition and make a good economical enviroment for eIndonesia citizen,great right?

his other program is to continue the "newbie educational class" and a "media reward" to keep our journalist writing a good article,you can read the whole article in here

Last,i heard many peoples complain about our military condition,our current president has declared that this month,there will be no war,so for all of the citizen out there,please just patient,we need to save money after the "WA problem" last month,well you can see eRomania,they invade eHungary and sucsess,besides EDEN help,they Save their money too,so we need to understand and believe to this current Goverment project.

Again,Congratulation for Vlavin,our new president!! All hail eIndonesia (And all hail magic shell 😛)

International Hot

Heat Up!

Well,im sure most of you can see in this past 1 month,a lot of historical battle happen,started in WA,Rhone-Alps,Gauteng,And Heilongjiang,i will reviewed the battles from WA to Heilongjiang

1.The battle of Western australia
This is the one of the most historical battle in the history of eIndonesia,Western Australia bordered by lesser sunda island,java,eastern cape,and kwanzulu natal

By the help from our brother phoenix,and the admin for the extended times,we can qoncuer Western Australia succesfully for nearly one month

the battle itself started with a divertion war in northern teritorry,and after that,our goverment do a "morning strike" in Western Australia,with the help of our tanker,the wall dropped to -30.000.

Till that tanking show,eAustralia Gov trying to re-build the wall,but we dont want to lose either,the battle go up and down in city-suburb area,till 12 AM,the EDEN tanker has succesfully brought the wall back to the no mans land,but an extended battle time appear and we won.

too bad we need to give WA back to eAussie,but remember,were a big and one of the strongest country in eWorld,our future is bright,i can guaranteed that some day,we'll conquer that region again

2.The battle of Gauteng
This battle is a counter strike from EDEN,they took Gauteng from eBrazil hands and gave it back to eSA,this region is rich of titanium,bordered by limpopo,mpumalanga,free states,and north west province,the battle itself is epic,both of phoenix and eden tanker do all of their best,making this battle added to the one of the most historical moment in eWorld.

3.The battle of Rhone Alps
Rhone alps is an original region of france,it capital is Lyon,bordered by Aosta Valley,Franche-comte and Burgundy,and the other region,this region is rich of wood,ePoland decides to conquer it because of that

For one year,this region is being occupied by polland,but by a succesfull battle and a sacrifice from our ally,eHungary,we won and we take this region back,but now,eSpain control this region

Rhone Alps fincancially support ePoland for approximately 2000 gold everyday,because the large amount of recources and company,smilliar to heilongjiang

4.The battle of Heilongjiang
The last Historical battle happened in Heilongjiang,the region that usually called "hellokitty" is the one of eHungary military base and belongs to china,eHungary has conquered this region for a nearly one year,but EDEN sucessfully take it after taking advantage from eRoma-eCroa Invation

Heilongjiang boreded by Far Eastern Russia and jilin,this region is rich of iron,a raw material that we need to make a weapon that very very important in battle.

well,i have reviewed it all,some of those battle ends with our victory and some others not,well,i just hoping that by review-ing this previous battle,we can see how great our country is,keep moving forward and dont look back 🙂

60 Second Update

*eHungary continue invade ePoland to take their region back,after they succesfull counter-attack in western transdanubia
*eBrazil invade nothern cape,south africa
*Moravia was conquered by Slovakia in the war versus Czech Republic

Editor Picks

Editor picks now will explain about GDP

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross Domestic Income (GDI) is one of the measures of national income and output for a given country economy. GDP is defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced within the country in the last thirty days. GDP is used as an indicator of standard of living in an economy, the rationale being that all citizens would benefit from their country's increased economic production.

Below is the formula's to calculate GDP :
Gross Domestic Product

This formula calculates the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country within the last thirty days.

GDP = C + G + L + S

* C: (Cost of creating a company) × (Number of created companies)
* G: the total Gold invested by the general managers from your country in company upgrades
* L: (Cost of buying a license) × (Number of purchased licenses)
* S: the total value of sales made by companies from your country to internal and external market (☉S = Value of sales × RER)

This article is courtessy to wiki,because today is an english day,i do not translate it to indonesian language as i always do before 🙂 for a translation version,wait for the next edition XD

The Lounge

Todays topic on the lounge

darn im so tired writing all of this things in english,sigh,need to redone my manicure and hand massage this week *run off to my room to relaxing my hands*

oh,theyre (my hands) screaming

maybe i just need another practice 😛

well,the problem in IRC about my gender issue is keep rolling,check it by yourself,and decide my gender in order to win a price


reg thesia male/female

send it to 9898

and you'll have a chance to win 0,1 IDR XD

just kidding 😛


1 GOLD = 37.89 IDR
1 IDR = 0.027 GOLD

eSoap Advertise

After a long effort to collect gold that fell from the branches of my eBaby tree branch, I'm proud to announce

A gift company called "Esy~Pil ajaib" has been created and fully operate, for those who Interested,you can check it by clickingthis link
Salary will be adjusted after your apply 🙂

Well,this is the end of today's editions, criticism and suggestions can be sent to the editor of eSynesthesia news, for the rubric of the ad, PM me if ure interested, I will list the products in the upcoming issue (Only if your product is 100% come from indos)
Vote, Sub, and Comment is appreciate😛),and
Dont forget, You Can see the color of the sound with eSynesthesia news!