[ESO Times] The Party for the Future

Day 1,614, 12:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Editors Note- Wow! 56 votes on the last artilce...WOW!!! Remember if you're liking these articles vote and sub etc... and any feedback would be welcomed just drop us a line. - Sambo112

Hello and Welcome to the new issue of the ESO Times! This week was full with hacks, elections, fun and a new ESO Times Member. Please can you all say hello to Betafoxtrot the new ESO Media Deputy. I feel he well be a great boost to the team given his experience in the game and the links he has built up over the years. Thank you Beta and good luck. Now the article...

This week has been a busy week for ESO,
Lily won the elections, Vadigor is standing in as vPP, New deputy positions are available in the media and recruitment teams and the academy is taking shape.

Lily Won The Elections!
Lily won the elections with a staggering 66.30% 60 people and I voted for her but what can we expect back, besides a uber-cool ESO of course.

What can we expect back?
You can expect a more fairer, brighter future for ESO. I will provide better chances for new members which will sure to lead the future in the future considering I will not be re-running. Well, it seems ESO should be expecting a great month ahead. If you clickHERE you will be taken to an in depth interview on the future of ESO.

Vadigor (Lilitu) is standing in as vPP
Lily was not able to contact Nazafyn at all over the course of the run up to the PP elections and so the place as vPP was offered to Vadigo(Lilitu) and Vadigor accepted. We wish the best for him in the future.

New deputy places available in the media and recruitment teams
Lily encourages new players to apply for deputy roles, these roles provide a way to gain experience and friends in the department that you choose, roles are currently available in the media and recruitment departments.

The Academy is taking shape
the ESO Legion academy is taking shape, details have not been available but we can confirm that the academy will be out soon.

Battle Results The eUK continued its campaign into eCanada this week but was halted by a eUSA led counter-attack, now the aim is to halt the eUSA's advance until the war closes. We have had a very successful campaign and our regions gained for congress should be far higher than last month due to the great effort from the eUK people, their committed allies (who were incredible) and the #MoD suppliers who stepped in to help.

Battle Orders The eUK could go in multiple directions now, once we regain the land lost against the eUSA we will be able to concentrate on eFrance in the south, which will be a very hard campaign, we also need to be completing our side of the Anglo-Ireland peace treaty in the region swap, so be on the look-out for those battles which should be easy victories as we are set to win them. So for this week, keep fighting hard in eUK battles but remember our valiant allies need our help too.

PP Elections
The PP election took place world-wide this week and in our mid-week article we interviewed ESO winning candidate Lily Summers. So after lots of hard campaigning here are the winning candidates in the 'top' 5 political parties.
TUP - invalidi_vozodovac1/Nebojsa
UKPP - Alfagrem
ESO - Lily Summers
UKRP - Michael Crookes
PCP- Arfan-Khan
Congratulations to all those winners and good luck in your terms as PP. There is many new PP's and old PP's that have been elected this month and it should be great to see how the parties get along come CP elections and congress.

On the day after the PP Elections, 16th of April, a shocking revelation came about as the eUK's top citizen and new UKPP leader Alfagrem announced through an article in his newspaper that he had been hacked. The article was written by the hacker and it appeared the hacker had disbanded the UKPP however he only seemed that he had moved Alfa to a different party. There was also news that the hacker that been donating Alfa's weapons and food to anyone who asked for it. The actual hackers have not been identified yet but I'm sure Alfa will want to know who they are.

Now it’s time to hear from the members of ESO on this week’s news and events. We have been running two competitions in the ESO forums this week. The first is 'ESO Reacts too...' (not to be confused with the YouTube show 'Kids/Teens React too...' here we will try to find out what ESO thought of an important event during the week.
This week ESO Reacts too...The Rebellion

I was quite shocked when I woke up in the morning (even though it had happened several days before), My eye's unable to move from the sight of a Chav; blinged to the teeth with shiny stuff, and what did I see in the corner, a McDonald's Big Mac meal stuck on top of a radiator, I dare not guess upon how long it had been there. The only words that came out of my mouth were these; ""How'd you like them apple's"", then the Chav King, also known as Jamesw I, replied, mouldy cheese on toast. I could not reply due to the pure horse dung of this new evidence that had been brought to the table by the Chav King himself. I decided to leave the throne room, and continue my duties as normal, for I realised. Once leaving the throne chamber, it was in fact a derelict site, with a mass collection of old ASDA signs. I walked out of the derelict site and back to #eso in order to speak with Roz about a specific topic, now forgotten entirely. (Blame Jamesw I, The Chav King.) - Apronchef

Our second competition is for Quote of the Week here we will be searching for what ESO members thought was the funniest, wackiest or just down right weird quote of the week and the winner of the first ever quote of the week is....
17:59 Betafoxtrot I had sex with a man, so you're straighter than I

Congratulations to him and too all the people who entered both competitions please stay tuned in the ESO forums to answer next week’s questions and pick your Quote of the Week.

Well, the bit you've all been waiting for, the Games and Puzzles Section.
Today's Prize is 1000GBP kindly donated by GTorge and the riddle is…

If it takes 6 guys to build a house in 50 hours, how many hours would it take for 3 guys to build it?

The first person to Private Message me the correct answer will receive the prize.
May the best riddle solver win!

Where to go next
eUK Forums
ESO Party
ESO Legion
ESO Media Channel (#eso.media)
eUK Channel (#euk)
ESO Channel (#eso)

Every Single One;
A community that is together,
a community that works together,
marches together,
holds together,
stays together!

Thanks for reading you saucy sexy beast, hugs and kisses.
Love from; GTorge, Sambo112, Betafoxtrot, Axeell Young, Lily Summers, Apronchef and Lightning43