[ESO Times] I say 'U' you say 'K'

Day 1,600, 11:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Hello and a big welcome to all you ESO members, eUK members or even those from far off lands...that includes you frenchies. This is the second edition of The ESO Times and this is the first of our weekly updates. Inside we'll have the latest news, battle orders and results, a couple words from ESO's PP and ESO's sexy members as well as puzzles and helpful links for ESO members and of course anyone else in the eWorld. Now shall we begin? Of course we will!

This week has been a busy week for ESO, CP elections, A new media team and changes in the ESO Constitution. ESO has handled it well.

CP Elections
This month we decided to put forward our own candidate, Betafoxtrot. This is a big change from usual and is a progressive step for ESO. Unfortunately, we came 2nd in the results, after a hard battle with TUP. We congratulate Talon, and give him ESO's support for the next term which will face many challenges ahead.

New Media Team
ESO has formed a new media team with GTorge and Sambo112 at the helm. The aim of the new media team is to improve communications, show the thoughts of ESO members and most importantly to add some more fun to ESO. We hope these ambitions will be achieved and furthered.

Changes to the ESO Constitution
Recently Lily Summers opened up the constitution to editing, many enthusiastic people came to help out, and ideas were added, challenged and removed to create an updated and new version of the ESO constitution. This will definitely help the party to be fair, honest and just.
The new constitution can be found here

The PP's Summary
"It was a significant week for ESO, we finally had a candidate for CP, unfortunately we came close and lost, and as a result we have a few ESO members in the cabinet with Roz, ApronChef and Ron, which shows how far ESO is going” - Lily Summers

Battle Results
The eUK has had a busy week sadly battles didn't go 100% our way and the country was wiped again, despite the efforts of our allies and the proud and hardworking people of the eUK. The eUK had been on the front foot after victories in London and in other regions in the eUK, we had then ventured into France and controlled Paris for a couple of days, sadly we had to then back-pedal due to a strong counter-attack and while we may now be back on square one we can still fight back. The great victory yesterday in Y&H showed how well we can perform if we work together. The eUK also helped out its allies a lot this week with battles being fought for Spain, Poland, Serbia and Macedonia campaigns are going well and ONE is on the front foot.

Battle Orders
The eUK needs to fight back so for this to happen we need to win our RW's. Wait for the daily orders before starting a RW though. We can't have too many on the go at any one time. Keep our eyes peeled on the forums and the actions of our MU. Get involved in the RW's this week and if you’re in doubt about where to fight get in touch with the Ministry of Defence either of the forums on IRC (Rizon-#MoD). Hail ONE, Hail Britannia, Hail Victory!!!

CP Elections
The Country President Elections took place this week with TUP's Talon Karrde looking for a second term and ESO's very own Betafoxtrot was also in the running. Other candidates include😛 Steeeev of PCP, Stefan1992 of Dharma Initiative and Another War Veteran of the BEP. Here are the official results:

Talon Karrde - 256 votes - 47.76%
Betafoxtrot - 128 votes - 23.88%
Stefan1992 - 65 votes - 12.13%
Steeeev - 46 votes - 8.58%
Another War Veteran - 41 votes - 7.65%

I think if this election showed us anything it is that the smaller parties can still make a difference in the elections as if they had voted for Betafoxtrot he would have won the elections. I do understand that these parties may not have wanted to do this but it is interesting to note how important these 'small' parties can be. We will be left wondering what happened in UKPP during these elections and how their influence could have changed the results of these elections.

Now it’s time to hear from the members of ESO on this week’s news and events. We have been running two competitions in the ESO forums this week. The first is 'ESO Reacts too...' (not to be confused with the YouTube show 'Kids/Teens React too...' here we will try to find out what ESO thought of an important event during the week.
This week ESO reacts too...The CP Elections:

1. I think Beta put in a very good performance. Statistically, he needed to have official UKPP backing to make it a horse race with Talon. (He) Didn't get it (they seemed very disorganized), but did really well! I think it was good to have a contrasting viewpoint and new ideas to discuss, so all in all I think it was a productive CP campaign this month. - Roz
2. Talon definitely knows his business when it comes to PR-ing. This seems to come in handy in political issues, too. From what I've read in various papers and statements, he has good relations with numerous parties and nations going, which certainly doesn't hurt. Especially as he managed to achieve quite a bit during his last term on this basis. - Gordon Strachan
3. Hail Beta the one true CP o/ (even if the voters dis-agree) - vip b10

Our second competition is for Quote of the Week here we will be searching for what ESO members thought was the funniest, wackiest or just down right weird quote of the week and the winner of the first ever quote of the week is....
Diakun with 'jamesw when he found out they discontinued everything: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3R-eMY3sqc' quote recorded by Diakun himself
Congratulations to him and too all the people who entered both competitions please stay tuned in the ESO forums to answer next week’s questions and pick your Quote of the Week.

Well, the bit you've all been waiting for, the Games and Puzzles Section.
Today's Prize is 500GBP kindly donated by RodneyMcKay.
There are three switches downstairs. Each corresponds to one of the three light bulbs in the attic.
You can turn the switches on and off and leave them in any position.
How would you identify which switch corresponds to which light bulb, if you are only allowed ONE trip upstairs?
The first person to Private Message me the correct answer will receive the prize.
May the best riddle solver win!"

Where to go next
eUK Forums
ESO Party
ESO Legion
ESO Media Channel (#eso.media)
eUK Channel (#euk)
ESO Channel (#eso)

Thanks for reading you saucy sexy beast, hugs and kisses.
Love from; GTorge, Sambo112, Axeell, Lily Summers and Lightening43

Every Single One;
A community that is together,
A community that works together,
Marches together,
Holds together,
Stays together!