Day 1,635, 12:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sanic the Hedgehog

I am writing this (cat infested) article today to tell everyone why to join Every Single One, if you haven't already, and I don't know why you haven't if you haven't but you should do.

For one, ESO is probably the best and friendliest community in the whole of eRepublik, spanning across mutiple.. cultures and trends which is what makes us so great and unique, and the icing on the political party potato cake.
The best part about the game isnt actually the game, it is in the IRC where everyone lives.

How does one get to IRC?
This, for now.

Once you get on to IRC, you never need to contribute a valuable opinion or contribution, its better if you dont and keep it random to be honest 😉
Now back onto the actual political part(ish), we are obviously the best party, as said before, but we also have a very big activity rate compared to our members size list, with supar organised and active leadership as an added bonus.

We are not a complete srs bsns party but we are when we have to be, so join us today 🙂 If only for a taste of us (🙁) and our IRC channel is welcome to all, and has trivia o/

(The cats make the article seem bigger and are nice)

Also, ...

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