[ESO] FightAndProduce Interview and the Weekly Raffle

Day 2,800, 06:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue


If you haven't seen FightAndProduce is back. He is a well known member of the UK community and on his return he has joined ESO. I decided to ask him why he came back. (My questions are in bold with FaP's responses below.)

- What made you come back?

Well I decided to check whether my account was deleted, turns out it wasn't deleted. Even though I requested it and confirmed it, they wanted a reconfirmation. Which gave me an opportunity to ask myself whether I should come back, I decided that I would. I put up a shout and later an article and the response has been positive, something which I'm very happy about.

- Why did you decide to join ESO?

Its a party I respect greatly. They've been around a long time and deservedly so, ESO have always tried to do what is best for the eUK at large. They helped massively when we were trying to keep parties in the top 5 for the ATO and pretty much sacrificed the party to do so. Something which has stuck with me, ESO deserves a resurgence which it has had over the past month or so.

- What are your plans next (ingame)?

Probably articles. I actually have no idea what to write about at the moment. I mostly did my articles in the past out of impulse and just typed them up quickly and published them. I might have to really think about what I want my next article to be, there will be ESO related articles as well and I'll be trying to play an active role in ESO. But apart from that, I don't know.

The winner of last weeks raffle

Last week our raffle sold 40 tickets. You can check who had what tickets in last weeks article here. I used the random number generator and here are the results:

Congratulations perilouspanther on winning, a Q1 house has been sent your way.

How to enter this weeks raffle

If you missed last weeks article...

How it works

1) Buy a ticket. Each ticket has a number on it.
2) Wait.
3) A random number generator will be used to generate a number.

If your number is chosen you win the prize.

What is the prize?

Q1 houses should be owned by everyone as anyone that works 7 times a week can make a profit and gains additional energy by having one. A Q1 house allows you 7 extra works a week. If you are earning 50 CC per work that is a weekly earning of 700 CC instead of 350 CC! So to increase awareness of the benefits of houses we will be giving away a Q1 house to the winner.

How much is a ticket?

After consideration each ticket is 5 CC. The consideration was 'we want to generate enough money from the raffle to pay for the next weeks prize', but was also: 'we want every single UKer to be able to afford to take part'.

To enter

Send Max Blue 5 CC x how many tickets you want. Endorsements also count. The 25 CC endorse = 5 tickets, the 10 = 2 tickets and the 5 = 1.

Anyone that has me on their friends list and shouts the link to this article also gets a free ticket.