(ENGLISH) The Anatomy of a Scandal - II (Wikileaks eTr)

Day 1,290, 00:54 Published in Turkey Turkey by Walpole

As you are aware, in my previous article, “The Anatomy of a Scandal, I have listed main conclusions in the light of present evidence. Those conclusions were:

1- According to logs of conversation, Russian delegate, Mogoba, neither showed a rude sentiment to Atillableda nor uttered a single world associated with Pan Slavism. Turkish MoFA simply lied about the content of this conversation

2- Turkey’s MoFA tried to justify the war against Russia and inflame Turks against Russians through lies and twisted facts.

3- Turkish MoFA claimed that Russian government apologized for the insolence of Mogaba. However, Russian president confirms that no such apology was offered and reiterated that there is nothing to apologize based upon the logs of the conversation

4- Turkish MoFA claimed that Mogaba was fired from his post in Russian government. Once again, Russian president confirms that Mogaba stays as vice MoFA as well as his personal advisor.

Following my article, our MoFA AttilaBleda published an article in his defense:



Honorable minister published this article, yet, within his article, he neither offered proof(s) to falsify the four conclusions listed above nor offered an apology for his mistakes. He barely repeated his old allegations, which he did not support with evidence, together with new allegations, yet again, not supported by any evidence.

In my comment written below AttilaBleda’s article, I said that I would carefully examine the article, investigate its content and write a detailed comment about it. However, the seriousness of the documents I have reached during my investigation enforces me to report my results in the form of a new article. Thus, you are reading these lines..

Before mentioning about those “documents” I have reached, allow me comment on some aspects of honorable minister’s article:

1- I believe honorable minister is confused about his own logs, if there are any. He previously rejected the calls for disclosure of his logs. Now, in his latest article, he first declares that he has no habit of recording his conversations word by word. Then, 1-2 paragraphs later, he regrets that he did not record the these conversations completely” and then in response to Kreutor,s demand on disclosure of his logs he says “I do not answer any demands from anybody but my president. People can believe whatever they want” 😛

2- Honorable ministers says “Even if I had the logs, I would not release them. Because, if I do so, I cannot make any private conversations with foreign delegates anymore”. He might be right for the second part of his sentence, i.e. he can lose credibility by reveling his logs in a situation which does warrant a disclosure. However, as the current scandalous situation clearly displays, such a disclosure is a necessity once your integrity is attacked with baseless accusations. Indded, one of the two main reasons of keeping those logs is to disclose it to defend yourself (as Mogaba did) when baseless accusations are laid (as honorable MoFA of eTr did) against you. As for the first part of quote from AttilaBleda, no, it’s unacceptable that he does not keep his own logs. It’s like a bad joke. Even the ambassadors around this eWorld passes their logs of private conversations to their respective MoFAs, it is a scandal that Turkey’s honorable MoFA does not keep his own conversation logs.

3- Honorable minister makes an emphasis on “protecting his credibility” in several occasions. While it is so, what does he think about whether he is left with a trace of credibility following this scandal, which propagates through his accusations without evidence followed by dismissal of those accusations from Russian side with proofs?
4- Honorable minister, in reference to the article he erased 2-3 days ago claims “I erased the article because of the comments that followed which involves some heated exchanges among many, including some of the army members”. However, he does not explain why he waited ~2 hours following the occurrence of those heated exchanges, but he could not wait 5 minutes following the last comment made by Russian CP.

5- AttilaBleda in his latest article revises his previous accusations (Mogabas’ insolence and his insistence on Pan-slavic agenda) and now he cumulatively refers to “10s of conversations with 5 people”. Is this his strategy to avoid calls for proof?

6- Eventually, at the end of his article, AttilaBleda accuses me and few others as people who pursue their own profits. Can honorable minister disclose what those profits are or might be?

Now, the important part….

Following the Attilabledas article, I contacted with members of Russian government and gave them a summary of what Attilalbleda claims in his latest article. And I asked them whether they have any comments. In response, the members of Russian government express their anger and tiredness for being the subject of a such an humiliating propaganda by the Turkey’s MoFA. Russian government officials reaffirm their previous answers to the accusations of Turkish MoFA . And, they supplied me a set of documents to help me in my investigation.

Russian government graciously allowed me to reveal two of the documents they supplied to me. Those two documents, which you are about to see, look quite concrete to dismiss the some of the specific accusations laid by AttilaBleda. That said, let me also add that the authenticity of these documents are confirmed by Russian C.P to me via a pm.

Now, let’s reveal those two documents, shall we:

1- Our MoFA AtilaBleda, in his article, in reference to the Mogoba’s previous disclosure of the logs of a conversation, says “He (Mogaba), by revealing only one of the 10s of conversations, tried to dismiss my accusation in a naïve fashion”. In other words, AttilaBleda implies that his previous accusations are true and Mogaba just does not publish the logs which will prove Attilabledas claims. In response to this, Russian government releases the totality of the conversations between AttilaBleda and Mogaba in the time periods spanning from the beginning of land-swap-deal talks to the eTr’s declaration of NE. Here is the link:


The text available in the link it too long and it is impossible to analyze it word by word within this article. (Of course, we will do that in the comments part as well as other articles which might be published later). However, for anybody who would read the content of the given link, it is crystal clear that Mogoba neither showed any signs or uttered any words of insolence nor made a slightest emphasis or hint on Pan Slavic motivations of his country. As a matter of fact, for the topic of “insolence”, the exact opposite of what AttilaBleda claims seems to be the case, i.e. Turkish MoFA, in a crude fashion, display his insolence from beginning to the end in many occasions.

2- Other specific claim of honorable minister iwas as follows “Following my conversation with Mogaba, ekolya (Russian ambassador to Turkey) came to me. He expressed that Mogaba’s disclosure of logs was unacceptable. He informed me not to contact Mogaba anymore” Attillableda continues “From his words, I concluded that Mogaba was fired from his post in Russian government”

As an ultimate response to this claim of AttilaBleda, Russian government discloses the full text of the mentioned conversation, which was previously transmitted to Russian MoFA by Russia’s ambassador in eTr, Ekolya.


Once again, as you can judge by yourself after reading the document, there is no such indication in parallel to Attilableda’s claims, i.e. ekolya neither said or implied that Mogaba’s discolosure of the logs is unacceptable nor he said Mogaba is not longer in the government

We are at point of no more words on this matter. Now, It is time to act. Allow me to repeat the last statements of my previous article:

These ill deeds demonstrated by a honorable minister is not acceptable. Not acceptable at all. We can be friends. We can be enemies. We can even treat our enemies harshly. Yet, we neither can behave dishonorably nor treat our enemies as such. Our MoFA unfortunately defied these basic ethic rules in most obvious and blatant fashion.

Honorable minister must apologize from his Russian counterparts as well as Turkish people for these ill words and deeds.

And, the minister should execute whatever action required to repair the grave damage inflicted upon the reliability of our government in international arena.

But I will not end this article as my previous one ended.

Because, the content of these newly disclosed materials not only dismisses AttilaBledas claims, but also raises an vital question, i.e. a manifest question that needs to be answered by eTr government:

After you settled all details on land-swap-deal with eRussia through your negotiations, what was the real reason of declaring Russia as our NE? A miniscule misunderstanding (or lack of communication) on Belarusian affairs of Russia? Or, since eSerbian president ordered us “Erase those *aggots!”