[ENG] You are a Pir...Ambassador !

Day 1,028, 09:45 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CH

Ahoy there !

After being absent during 3 days (IRL military obligtions), your MoFA is back ! HELZ YEAH!
And know, why not talk about the main subject of this newspaper edition ? M’okay.

As you all know, our country has to develop relations with other countries of this eWorld.
But as I’m too lazy to do all the job, I won’t do it...


Well, I won’t do it ALL the job, but the ambassadors will help me ! I’ve just one problem, I don’t have any ambassadors 🙁

I’m searching some AWESOME ambassadors, but I know you don’t know what you will have to do, right ?
Well, you will have to open an embassy in the foreign country, answer the questions of the citizens of the country and communicate our messages to their government and population.

Cool no ?

Now that you want to become one, you are wondering which country needs an ambassador no ?
Top priority countries are our neighbors, EDEN members and small countries like eSwitzerland !

Cool no ?

So, now that you want to become one AND that you know for which country you want to be ambassador, you certainly want to know what type of person I’m searching ?

To be an ambassador you must:
- be often present on the forum and the IRC channel of the country
- speak, write and read perfectly the national language of the country and/or english.
- talk diplomatically.


M’okay, it’s the end. Send me a PM if you want to become the AWESOMENEST ambassador of eSwitzerland.

Your awesome MoFA,


PS: All ambassadors will receive free ice cream and an autograph of myself !