[槐en/zh] VOTE FOR ALIAO - 参选国家政策纲领 The Blueprint for eChina

Day 684, 10:59 Published in China China by aliao

I have been accused as the candidate for whim, and even without an election blueprint. Personally, I really have none. I would not make an unrealistic blueprint in short time just for the president election. I have read William's "National policies and party policies", believing that these policies are suitable for echina at present after suitable modification and improvement according to the actual situation, and they are able to provide guidance for the direction of our country's development.

Program details, see http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dcz2m9tw_52cjc8m3cd

If I become president, we will set up a number of government agencies including: economic development bureau, the budget and the Audit Office, Information Bureau, the Central Intelligence Agency; we will establish a civil-servant salary system / Standing Civil Service system / accountability system; we will reform the tax system, set up military training programs, establish international economic cooperation alliance, build hospitals and strengthen the relationship with peace / eden / fortis, etc.; we will improve government functions, promote economic development and safeguard national security.

The economic: the initial idea is to trade resource and manufactured products with some countries at stable forex rate, to stimulate the economy and develop the market.

Income tax of weapons will be adjusted in order to protect other domestic industries and enterprises.

The military: the military training programs will be developed; state-owned five star weapons plant will be set up; the army will get 5star weapon supply from the state (limited).

Defense Fund will be set up for contingencies.

Central Intelligence Agency will be set up to collect the intelligence to provide an accurate reference for any political decision.

The diplomacy: to strengthen the relationship with neighbouring countries as well as peace / eden / fortis's to ensure our national security. We will promote international economic co-operation through the help of the Ministry of Finance, to stimulate domestic economic development.

Here is some explanation of this program:

Why do not we focus on the development of the economy?
The game design is promoting economic by consuming a variety of products, with ammo being most frequent consumable. the war increases the consumption of gifts / houses/food, and helps economic development. That is war economy.

Why do we need national economic analysts?
The political discussions should be based on the fact and real situation. the country's economic analysts is to collect data on the national economy, providing the data to Congress and the Cabinet for political decision.

Why have we introduced the Budget?
As a responsible government, we can not run the country without budget. By concept of budget our country can use all resources more effectively.

What is the army? What is the Navy? What is an artillery unit?
This is in accordance with international convention to define: The Army is a Lieutenant or below, rank, and the Navy - Captian to the General, Artillery unit - Field Marshal. Each arm has different attacking power in the war. Their timing to enter the war is one important military strategy.

Why is the establishment of state-owned arms factory?
Private companies are profit-based. The selling time and price cannot be controlled; state-owned enterprises will accumulate arms so that they can provide cheap ammo to most citizens during wars.

Why do we need CIA?
The establishment of this branch is to collect other countries’ attitude towards eChina, and prevent possible political take-over.

Why do we establish a civil servant salary system?
we need to build the civil service salary system to attract more talents working for eChina.

Finally, there is a message to tell you, Q5 hospital company owners JIAJUNPENG has made it clear that once a hospital is completed, he will donate it to eChina for free.

JIAJUNPENG: I am going to set up a Q5 defense system company. volunteers wanted..

translator: google and sagaWF

有人指责我视参选为儿戏, 心血来潮, 连竞选纲领都没有。 就个人而言, 我的确没有。 我并没有, 也不需要仅仅为了所谓 “参加总统大选, 需自己提出自己的纲领” 就拍拍脑袋, 在短时间内凭空构建个不切 实际的框架来。 我看过威廉的 《国家政策及政党纲领》 , 认为就现时而言, 根据实际形势作补充、 修改及完善之后, 威廉的这套纲领办法很适合 echina 现状, 并能够为我们国家发展提供 指导方向。

纲领具体内容请参见 http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dcz2m9tw_52cjc8m3cd

如果我当选, 我们将根据这个纲领推动一 系列的政府机构完善措施, 增设经济建设局、 预算及审计局、 信息局、 中央情报局、 建立政府薪俸制 / 常设公务员制 / 首长问责制, 并对税制进行改革, 制订军队训练计划, 成立国际经济合作联盟, 收购国营医院, 以及加强对周边强国及 peace/eden/fortis 之外交等等, 以完善政府职能, 促进经济发展, 维护国家安全。

经济方面, 初步设想是经济结合外交, 和一些国家尝试资源及制造 业互销, 汇率共同稳定 , 以达到拉动经济、 打开市场的目的。

调整武器的所得税, 以保护国内其它行业企业。

军事方面, 将制订军队训练计划, 并成立国营 5 星武器厂, 军人由国家限额补贴五星武 器。

成立国防基金, 以备不时之需。

成立中央情报局, 收集各方情报, 为国家各项决策提供准确参 考。

外交方面, 加强对周边国家以及 peace/eden/fortis 的外交工作, 确保我国国家安全, 并配合财政部推行国际经济 合作联盟, 刺激国内经济发展。

下面是对此纲领的一些解释 :

为什么我们不集中发展经济 ?
游戏的设计是着重用消费去 带动经济, 在各种产品中, 以武器消费高并且频密, 战争带动的礼物 / 房屋, 和生产提高时的食物需求, 都有助经济发展, 这就是战争经济。

现性讨论需充分的事实支持 , 现时讨论都在象牙塔层面各 自辩论, 却没有详细的数据支持, 国家经济分析师是搜集国家 经济数据, 提供事实让国会及内阁作出 决定。
对经济问题的讨论需要充分 的数据支持, 目前我们的讨论大多停留在 直观的想象, 缺乏详细的数据支持, 国家经济分析师可以整理国 家经济数据, 并提供相关资料以协助国会 及内阁作出判断。

作为一个负责任的政府, 总不能对收支没有预算, 为国家量入而出, 能有效地利用有限资源去发 展。

什么是陆军? 什么是海军? 什么是炮兵部队?
这是根据国际惯例去定义: 陆军是 Lieutenant 或以下军阶, 海军是 Captian 至 General , 炮兵部队是 Field Marshal , 各兵种在战争时发动攻击会 有不同效果, 进入战事的时间是军事策略 之一。

私营公司以盈利为主, 把货物推出市场的时间及价 格不能控制;国营武器企业 目的在于囤积军火, 在防卫战及主要战役时可提 供足够廉价武器, 使全国国民尽量参战。

此职之设立是有效收取各国 对我国的态度及取向, 亦会监察我国被窃国的可能 性, 以便 快速进行反窃国的行动。

总统及国会议员以外的职位 , 游戏均没有设定工资, 为了吸引更多的人才为国效 力, 我们需要建立公务员工资制 度。

最后还有一个消息要告诉大 家,Q5 医院公司所有者 JIAJUNPENG 已经明确表 示, 将在第一个医院完工之后, 把医院公司无偿捐赠给国家 。

JIAJUNPENG: 还有请期待 Q5 防御系统公司 .. 依然召集义工卖血