[槐en/zh]关于解任The Samurai凤凰联盟大使一职的通告

Day 774, 08:26 Published in China China by aliao
关于解任The Samurai凤凰联盟大使一职的通告 / Dismissal of The Samurai as consul to Phoenix alliance

过去的几个月里, The Samurai做为PEACE/PHOENIX大使, 为保持中国的中立姿态, 维持中国与周边国家的和平做出了努力. 但是这无法根本解决中国的领土争端问题. 在依靠谈判收复国土无法实现的情况下,我们选择了与美国进行全面的军事合作,并拒绝了 来自凤凰的和谈和合作计划. 外交的大门已经关闭, 现解除The Samurai驻凤凰大使身份, 驱逐凤凰驻中国使节,与凤凰战斗到底.

During the past few months, The Samurai made a good effort on maintaining eChina's neutral stance and our peaceful relation with surrounding countries. However, this can not solve our territory dispute thoroughly. Given fact that we can not regain our provinces back through negotiation, I decided to fully cooperate with USA, and turned down the NAP proposal from PHOENIX. I close the gate of diplomatic talk to show our determination to fight against invaders. Here I announce to terminate term of PHOENIX ambassador, and The Samurai is dismissed from his office.