[en] Who is the Bloc Canadien?

Day 846, 18:11 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

Some recent press coverage has mentioned the Bloc Canadien, one of eCanada's newest political parties. What should you know about the Bloc Canadien? And what does the Bloc Canadien stand for anyways?

First, the Bloc Canadien is not a regionalist party. It is not a Francophone party. The Bloc is a party for those who are Unhappy With The Status Quo of the Big 5, defined as the outcome of Operation Teabag, and the scandals surrounding the wheat industry and EDEN rentals.

The Bloc Canadien is a party that believes in a Strong National Defence. As we prepare for V2, the Bloc believes that all provinces should have a defence system of some sort, so that if another invasion comes, we will be ready. The Bloc feels that the current 'fortress' strategy is not well-suited for eCanada's geography, and as is currently implemented would sacrifice some of eCanada's most valuable provinces such as Nunavut and British Columbia.

The Bloc Canadien is a party that believes Our Linguistic Diversity Is A Strength, and proposes funding the Office Francophone so that all eCanadians may access it free of charge. By supporting our Francophone citizens, the Bloc believes that eCanada can become the main Francophone nation in the New World, even if eFrance should rise from the ashes.

The Bloc Canadien is a party that believes that eCanadians deserve Health Care for All, and proposes a new national discussion of Q5 hospitals in every province. The Bloc asserts that keeping eCanadians more engaged and active by allowing them to live in any province they want is well worth the initial cost of 10 hospitals.

To touch on that a little further, the Bloc Canadien is a party that believes that the first and foremost duty of the government is to provide an Engaging and Entertaining Environment that eCanadians can look forward to logging in to every day. The Bloc disagrees with the end of Operation Teabag for that reason, and proposes an expedition for a new high iron province for that reason as well.

The Bloc Canadien may hold some unorthodox views, but isn't it time that someone did? Isn't it time that someone offered the choice of a new eCanada?

The answer is up to you. Choose your eCanada.