[EN] SRC - Candidate for presidential Becker&co

Day 1,259, 09:45 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by SLP Organization

first of all, a huge thanks to Julian Anderson who to realized a term really very powerful. Julian many worked for advance with relations with our neighbouring countries and the economies of our countries. In addition, we need him new graphics of the sections of the minister. 😉

Therefore, I am running for the Presidency of the country in the continuity of our President insisting on new concept and my program.
As vice president of Switzerland currently, I have all the skills, the knowledge required and the time to run for country president.

the current balance of the foreign policy of the eSwitzerland is always at the bottom in some countries, notably with the Slovenia. The erasure of our country on the international scene, despite attempts have not allowed us to resist to the Slovenia. That is why i will restore diplomatic and specialized function is crucial for our country. Founded our diplomatic on respect for the sovereignty of countries such as the Switzerland must be a reference in the world.

The Switzerland will embody the principle of national sovereignty, thus the free choice by each of its destiny for all peoples. From put us in contrast with the rest of the world, we will also strengthen our links with the Canada and Italy.

This project moves notably by specific acts; we join LUNA alliance ; the reform of our embassies and meetings planned with some European and francophone countries.

The resumption of our regions is a very important point about my program, we are negotiating with the Slovenia since too long...It is time for the future Government are acting accordingly to retrieve our regions that belong to the Swiss people.
This project is also passes by specific acts with the creation of a national army under command of the head of the Swiss guard. The State will undertake to finance the army in all its forms (food, weapons, MT). More the defence Minister will take any measures necessary with our allied countries to intervene in optimal conditions.

More my program will also focus on economic issues of our country. The question is simple: how to respond more fairly and more effective possible to the challenges which are now those of the Switzerland economy since the changes in the global economy?
I would be the also in close collaboration with our Minister for the economy to monitor our economic and monetary markets to respond very quickly to the problems that arise.

It is also with concrete acts that I wish to intervene in the economy by creating a Council of surveillance of the market and by increasing our taxes to finance government activities.

As you can see, there are a lot of work before us and I would be a president this omni on IRC, the Forum and IG.
Reactivity and motivation of our Government to do the uprising of the Switzerland passes through the national union.
I therefore request the people to join under my candidacy to unify an entire people behind of the values of sovereignty, of union and progress!
Together, always together.

Here's my program for the Presidency of the country.

MoFE (Finance and Economy)
- the taxes of our country 8% VAT - 2% INCOME - 20% IMPORT
- Support for Swiss companies with establishing protectionism Thoughtful.
- Monitoring of our national currency and implemented actions in an emergency to save our economy.
- Creation of a Supervisory Board Awards (CSP).
- Work on Future of Economic Stimulus Plan, to act quickly in crises of the future.

- Francophone and European Sommit.
- Reform of Cartography Embassies.
- Organization of War training with Italy but also with Austria.
- Normalization of relations with France and Slovénia.
+ A return of Svizzera italiana,Deutschschweiz and Graubunden in the country.
- Alliance with Italy and Canada.

- Create an emergency Budget of National Security (BNS).
- Creating stock of weapons and food in case of war.
- Training of Staff and dynamic asset in case of conflict.
- creating of the national army
- subsidy of foods and weapons for the national army.

- Reform of the Congress
- Establishment of a Government of national unity bringing together people from various backgrounds. Objective: To take the best in the country.
- National Plan Anti-PTO.

MoC (Communication)
- Official article every 3-4 days.- Regular Balance Sheet of government.
- Publication of Final Balance Sheet of the Government.

SoS (Solidarity)
The Secretary of solidarity will be maintained. The people of eSwitzerland, today more than yesterday in need of assistance to meet its vital needs.
Solidarity will also be a priority for the government
-By continuing to give food to the new players for a best integrations.
- Continue to write ludic articles to inform new players for the operation of the game
- Creation of a study on the population to prevent the influx of new players and respond quickly to their integrations.

We have never really a baby boom, it is therefore important for the Government of Switzerland to be able to make contact with them and their indicated the functioning of the game and their supply of food to their early days.

about me :
I would be constantly available for 1 month on irc, the forum and IG.
I have extensive experience in the policy of our country and I currently have several meetings with various countries to retrieve our regions.