[en] Poll about erepublik results

Day 1,416, 15:28 Published in France France by jrcourtois

English version → French version later

The results are out !
Thank you all for participating, I hope you will enjoy reading the result. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask.
For the complete result I let you visit the google page : http://tinyurl.com/6b3w2r6

1/ Participation
181 persons answered my poll, which is quite good, even if the highest number has been of 650.

The participants came from 41 virtual or real country. An eCitizen has the nationality in the game, and a player have declared he came from the country. Here are the countries with most players and citizens :
- France with 98 players and 68 eCititizens.
- Indonesia with 12 players and 13 eCititizens.
- Belgium with 10 players and 6 eCititizens.
- Canada with 5 players and 7 eCititizens.
- Brazil with 0 players and 7 eCititizens.
- Argentina with 6 players and 6 eCititizens.
- Turkey with 2 players and 6 eCititizens.
- United Kingdom with 1 players and 6 eCititizens.
- China with 0 players and 6 eCititizens.
- Poland with 2 players and 5 eCititizens.
- Japan with 1 players and 5 eCititizens.
- Serbia with 4 players and 4 eCititizens.
- Romania with 4 players and 2 eCititizens.
- USA with 3 players and 4 eCititizens.
- Singapore with 0 players and 4 eCititizens.

2/ Foreign policy
I asked you some questions about your alliance, and what you think of other alliances and country. Most of answers came from TERRA alliance, which has to be linked with the fact that my newspaper is published in France, obviously.

Then TERRA and EDEN seems to share a good opinion, while ONE is suffering of bad image.
For country, it is quite the same and if Poland is really not appreciated, for other countries it is a bit better balanced, and France has the best image....
Opinion about France

Opinion about Poland

This should have been interesting to put in balance with some other parameter, but as there are not so much participants for other countries, it would really not be relevant.

3/ Opinion about erepublik
As we all feel some resentment for what the game has become, it is not a surprise that none of the module is globally considered as totally satisfying. Despite that, we can consider that war module get 12 % of good rating.
Opinion about war module

The worse opinion is obviously for the news module where 46% thinks it is really bad.
Opinion about news module

56 % thinks the political module could be better or are totally satisfied with it.
Opinion about political module

For the economic module, the monetary management has a worse opinion than the two other, companies and market.
monetary management



Then, to finish I did ask you what do you think of external scripts.

24% don’t know them, and 25% don’t need them. Only half of the players think these script are useful. Even 17% declare not being able to play without them.

Thank you for reading, I had also asked for your ideas to improve erepublik, it will take a longer time to compute those ideas, and will give me the occasion to republish another article. Meanwhile, if you found this article interresting, thanks for voting it. (and sub, and shout, and comment😁