[EN][ID] eIndonesian Influental Person in REAL LIFE! Part 1

Day 875, 08:36 Published in Indonesia India by Mimihitam
Emperor Xudu Times

There are many influental eIndonesian, from NicoSianipar, the Sun Tzu of eRepublik, to writer like wonder forward. But, how's their face in real life? Let us see!

wonder forward


wander howard --> elros elrond --> wonder forward

A novelist in real life, he is a key person in the foundation of PHOENIX, brought Indonesia out of PEACE GC, created #kelasnubi, wrote eRepublik Indonesia history, brought about 2000 babies, and the most famous one - invaded Federation of Malaysia.

FYI, wander howard is a character in his novel 🙂

* Secretary of Congress and Minister of Information and Communication (March 2009)
* Menteri Sekretaris Negara (April 2009)
* Minister of Foreign Affairs (June 2009)
* Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Secretary of Congress (July 2009)
* Leader Congress (August 2009)
* Vice Leader Congress cum Leader Congress cum Emergency President (October 2009)
* President of Indonesia (November 2009)
* Vice President of Indonesia (April 2010)


She's a famous woman in eIndonesia, and also attracted some foreigner like Nina Ayu 😛

* Congress
* Chairman of Narcissist Party


A very influental person in eWorld, he's regarded as one of the best strategist in eWorld. He also lead PEACE invasion of North America.

From wiki
* Indonesia Minister of Economy (Feb 2009)
* Congressman representing Eastern Cape (Feb 2009)
* Congressman in Pakistan (April 2009)
* Indonesian President (July 2009)
* Supreme Commander of PEACE


With a motherly approach, she's called as "the Mother of eIndonesia". Many people are trying to get her to become president, but she always refuses 😛 Also, even though she's a woman, together with Jeverag, she developed ABeRI as a power of eIndonesia.


THIS LEGEND of PTO has spreaded fear and violence in India, China and South Africa. He became president in September 2009. Under his term, the eIndonesian Empire reached its largest extent, and also began to decline.

To be continued

Indonesian version

Ada banyak tokoh eIndonesia yang telah menyebarkan pengaruhnya ke seluruh dunia, dari NicoSianipar sang Sun Tzu hingga penulis seperti wonder forward. Namun, pernah mikir gak di RL mereka gimana? Yuk kita lihat!

wonder forward


wander howard --> elros elrond --> wonder forward

Penulis novel di dunia nyata, beliau adalah tokoh kunci pendirian PHOENIX, tokoh yang membawa Indonesia keluar dari PEACE GC, pendiri #kelasnubi, menulis sejarah lengkap eRepublik Indonesia, membawa sekitar 2000 bayi pada masa kekuasaannya, dan yang paling terkenal - menyerbu Federasi Malaysia.

Sekedar info, wander howard adalah karakter pada novel karyanya di dunia nyata 🙂

* Secretary of Congress and Minister of Information and Communication (March 2009)
* Menteri Sekretaris Negara (April 2009)
* Minister of Foreign Affairs (June 2009)
* Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Secretary of Congress (July 2009)
* Leader Congress (August 2009)
* Vice Leader Congress cum Leader Congress cum Emergency President (October 2009)
* President of Indonesia (November 2009)
* Vice President of Indonesia (April 2010)


Perempuan yang terkenal di eIndonesia, yang juga menarik perhatian bule-bule, seperti Nina Ayu 😛

* Kongres
* Ketum Narcissist


Tokoh yang sangat berpengaruh di eDunia, ia dianggap sebagai salah satu ahli strategi terbaik yang pernah ada. Beliau juga memimpin invasi PEACE ke Amerika Utara.

* Indonesia Minister of Economy (Feb 2009)
* Congressman representing Eastern Cape (Feb 2009)
* Congressman in Pakistan (April 2009)
* Indonesian President (July 2009)
* Panglima Tertinggi PEACE


Dengan pendekatan keibuan, ia dikenal sebagai "Mamih". Banyak orang yang mencoba mengangkatnya menjadi presiden, tapi beliau selalu menolak. Meskipun sandygee adalah seorang perempuan, bersama dengan Jeverag, beliau mengembangkan ABeRI sebagai garda terdepan eIndonesia.


LEGENDA PTO ini telah menyebar ketakutan dan kekacauan di India, China dan Afrika Selatan. Ia menjadi presiden pada September 2009. Dibawah kekuasaannya, Kekaisaran eIndonesia mencapai puncak kejayaannya, namun juga mulai jatuh.

What a man conceive can concede.

Our destination is a bliss of faith.

My faith lies up in the mountains, where I can see the horizon, a perfect view of a Kingdom I belong, where the white shores shimmers like tinting trinklets and the blue sea surrounds like a shield. This is my kingdom, my faith, Indonesia.