[EN/DE] Hallo- Ambassador from Serbia

Day 3,436, 21:59 Published in Germany Serbia by Ilawn Mower
Hallo Deutschland!

Mein Name ist Ilawn Mower und ich bin Botschafter auf Serbien zu Deutschland.

That's about the German I can manage right now. I've tried learning and have made very slow progress. I knew I should've picked French-Much easier-Simpler grammar and you speak about 30% of what you write. 😛 This reminds me of an excerpt of Mark Twain about German language-

Its too long to copy paste, so I will just paste the link here -The Awful German Language
Its interesting and funny from an outsider's perspective. I strongly recommend reading if you haven't before.

So that's that with the introduction I guess. Regarding our countries' cooperation, if you are looking for any official contact with the Serbian Government, You can contact me. Losing the Uruguayan region in South America recently was unlucky. Hoping to have more fun with both our countries in the future. Watch the news space for more articles from me and more broken German.
Also, the dual language tag in the title is misleading, but technically there are both languages in here, so I guess its not wrong. 😛

auf Wiedersehen
Ilawn Mower
Ambassador of Serbia to Germany

Ministry of Foreign Affairs