[EN][andyr] The Diplomacy of the Broken Backbone (2)

Day 821, 10:46 Published in Romania Romania by Lurker9000

Source: [andyr][GoV2] Diplomatia spatelui plecat (2)

Hello everybody,

As I said in an earlier article, Romania initiated a meeting/discussion between the presidents of EDEN states, regarding the external situation of EDEN, the decision made at EDEN.HQ and the current situation between Romania and EDEN. The result of these meetings, which took place last Sunday, was this document. (it was signed by 8 states, later also signed by Norway, Bosnia and Australia - that is 11 out of 12 EDEN countries).

What is the change suggested by this document?

- although the EDEN treaty says the decisions are taken through vote by the presidents of EDEN countries, this has never happened until now. The wish of the member states is that a new way of doing things, different than the one from the passed months, be put into practice.
- in the same time, the wish of the member states was that the quick decisions of EDEN.HQ (when there wasn't sufficient time for the council of the Presidents to be consulted) to be taken on objective-strategical criteria, in accordance with the purposes established in common by the presidents, and not by taking into regards friends and influences - as it happened until now. This is a second needed change.
- thirdly, the wish has appeared for EDEN.HQ to no longer sustain - through daily orders given to the mobile forces - any more campaigns not voted by the council of the EDEN presidents - as it would happen until now. It is a third necessary change.
- fourthly, there is the desire for a greater communication from EDEN.HQ, respect and details on the decisions taken, or explanations regarding certain cases. Or, shortly, eliminating the situations in which Presidents are told "you just do like this, cause we know better", situations which were increasing lately. That is, a change in attitude,

Even if some of the above are mentioned in the EDEN treaty, the actual fact was - in practice - that the things above never happened.

The response of EDEN.HQ was simple. Put in the face of a direct attitude of the majority of EDEN presidents, and in the face of loosing their influence taken in EDEN, the members of EDEN.HQ - except mihail.cazacu - resigned yesterday night.

In an ad-hoc meeting that ended around 3 AM, Romania time, the council of Presidents elected a new EDEN.HQ which will have the attributed described above (that is, it will have an executive, and not decisional, role, and will respect the principles of the EDEN Treaty, as well as the above document's annexes), following that in the course of tonight to take place the first meeting of the presidents of the member states in the new format - in which the presidents will decide through direct vote, with a majority of 66%, as well as following the discussions, the direction and actions EDEN will take in the next weeks.

It is a necessary change, a change that was started by Romania through an initial "fist-on-the-table" attitude, which underlined the wrong way in which the decisional process took place, and continued again by Romania, by starting discussions and summarizing them in the above mentioned document - and whatever the future may be, EDEN state members will not forget this.

It is a change that will avoid, in the future, the situations that appeared in the last few weeks.

It is a change that helps Romania raise its image and importance in EDEN, as the only state that had the capacity to publicly state that the way the system worked was wrong and needed to be changed (with all the risks resulting out of this), and was not satisfied with just showing the finger, but continued its efforts for this change, uniting the EDEN countries in a clear purpose - the respect for the principles which were at the basis of the alliance.

As a consequences, considering both the new EDEN.HQ, as well as the decision and organizing systems in this current time, Romania will retake, starting today, its activity in all the EDEN organisms.

We don't expect easy weeks, considering the old EDEN.HQ left us a little monster (UK + 18MPPS) on our hands, a few important states financially affected by the decision taken by it, and an almost disastrous situation in Asia. Hard times have just started.

Let us hear ourselves winners,

Go Romania.

P.S. As I anticipated in yesterday's article, there were victims. The ones who would have bet on less than 24 hours would have won.

* Note: Glosar