Day 1,397, 09:34 Published in China Italy by superpimpo

Hi all,
I'm the italian ambassador here in China and I'm proud to work here! I'm writing this article to publish our president cabinet, sorry for delay:

President: Spazzolino/Giulia
Deputy: Pashmina

Minister of Foreing Affairs: frappa10
Deputies: Hakim Bay - Noria - Kurapica

Minister of Economy: Azzunai
Deputies: funkystyle - spartako rosso - Cosimo Romano
Interior Minister: Polixiotto
Deputies: xShADoWxITA - Gianpaolo Panetta
Minister of Welfare: superpimpo
Spokesman: AleRocketMan
Head Tutor: PipBoy 3000, other people chosen by head tutor
Babyboom: Frencio

Minister of Defense: Fanaxidiel
Chief Army: Glorietta

Minister of Information: Stedee
Deputies: dello4 e IenaRevenge

Have a nice day!

Italian ambassador in China, PipBoy 3000