[eMalaysia] Greetings and Condolences

Day 876, 06:00 Published in China Malaysia by Foreign Office of eMalaysia

dear chinese brothers and sisters / 中国兄弟和姐妹,

Warm greetings from eMalaysia to you. Today i read the news with much sorrow - after reading of the unfortunatel earthquake tragedy at Yushu county of Qinghai Province where hundreds are have died and many more lost their homes. Earthquakes devastation is something close to me personally as I am an earthquake engineer (those that work to make buildings stronger against earthquake). I had previously met with some friends/survivors from Dujiangyan of the 512 Wenchuan Great Earthquake (汶川大地震) in 2008 as well as carried out research of the engineering devastation of that 512 Great Earthquake. So, kindly accept the condolences from eMalaysians and myself. It seems like these days, the world is filled with disaster and tragedies.

Some of you might not know - but eMalaysia and eChina are long time allies - dating from the time before Sol alliance is formed. We have had past military cooperation as well as history of helping each other. This - adding with the RL association between Malaysia and China (many malaysians are of chinese descent and read/write in chinese), i would say we have a unique and strong relationship and friendship - that i wish will be strengthened over time. I have enjoyed my interaction and work with Xenon Ng (your MoFA) and wangxiaoyaII (your president) so far. For anyone interested, eMalaysia government officials is listed here.

eMalaysia is currently looking for active migrants too. Being a small population nation blessed with two High Region (Oil/Wood), eMalaysia is facing with constant threat of invasion and PTOs. Our economics is prosperous and our Oil and Wood raw materials are the cheapest in the world. I invite anyone who is interested to consider setting up companies with us, or better - take a eHoliday or migrate to eMalaysia. The main communication languages remain English, but articles in Malay and Chinese have been published in recent past. Anyone interested - PM this org for more information.

Suzhou beauty (苏州美女) - updated - pls comment if you can't see the pics. 😃

Malaysia beauty (马来西亚美女)

Warm regards,
Carr de Vaux (咔德沃)
eMalaysia President
Special Envoy to eChina