{eIre CP} Weekend Update

Day 3,490, 21:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aras an Uachtarain

Dia Dhuit Ireland,

As promised, I want to present to you a bit more of a detailed report into the happenings of your government. While it is just a few days into the new CP term, your government team has started strongly and started looking into different aspect of it's roles. But before I get going, please forgive me, in the fact it is your CP writing this, we still have positions available if you want to help out, otherwise I will end up being the one doing all the reporting 😛

Ummm... oh that's me... well after plundering the remaining liquor that the outgoing CP Kattiaa, I sat down with the eUK CP Dishmcds to discuss our current TW. As all know the UK government has had some internal issues which caused some extra stress on our Training War. While Dishmcds has manage to ensure we have our Resource regions back and the TW is on a better time frame, it appears there is still some issues with in the internal congress structure of the UK, as seen with their NE law still facing a bit of resistance. While it is not for us to comment or suggest things to another country, your government will keep this in mind to ensure that the TW is profitable for both nations and not more of a hassle then it is worth.

Other then that, over the next day or so, I will be drafting a training/growth proposal to the current congress. While the idea is taken from another nation (and quite a while ago), the main core of it is still worthwhile these days.

The DoF is working on a rough budget to be presented to congress. This will include use of our savings for MM trades, allocation of funds for a 'raining day' invasion, as well as other potential government loans and spending (loans to departments). Nothing will be spent with out congress approval, however I do hope congress is happy with the figures presented by the DoF and will not try and bog it down with personal issues. We have seen by the last 2 terms, the MoF can turn a profit and the planned budget will still allow eIreland to come out in the positive.

The DoD has started with their DO's, while they were a bit hit and miss, with the TW settling down into a rhythm, hopefully the DOs will become a bit more regular and up to date.

The military thread is still active and alive and well. We also have our tanks Nerusia, BiednyMis and Technician hitting hard for eIreland. Which we thank them for. There are plans in the works for a good old fight night where COs will be placed for Irish fighters, so we can throw 100% of our damage out there for one of our allies in need.

The DoFA has been hard at work looking into our MPP stack and trying to see which ones are worth while in the current time and climate, as well as the possibilities of signing new ones. All MPPs have and will be discussed with congress, while some people might be oppose to them, since we are a democracy, it will end up with the how the majority feels towards them, in regards to the pro's and con's.

The DoC is currently in the process of drafting some relevant educational articles. These will encompass the latest updates 'Residences' as well as older things for the newer players.

As well as educational articles, the DoC is also working in conjunction with the government on a potential 'newbie' program and a 'lotto' based competition. Hopefully you will see some articles coming out in regards to these things over the next couple of days.

If anyone else wants to help out in government, please speak up. While the current team are happy to do the work, as the saying goes 'many hands make light work'.

Rusty D
CP of eIreland