*EDITORIAL* The Mission of Spirit of Fire Logs

Day 1,961, 18:10 Published in USA USA by Dauntless2000

Welcome to Spirit of Fire Logs.

The mission of this paper is to be an interesting and fun paper for people to read, as it will be for me to write. I will be writing about things that will be about the game or the real world. It may be about current events going on with the game, things in real life that I believe are interesting, or I might write about Books, Movies, TV, Video Games, or Podcasts that I want to share with you. If any of it doesn't sound good to you, I will place a subject title for you to know what it will be about. That way you can choose which articles I write you will want to read or not. Each article will start will these subject headers.

*THE WAR ROOM* -Warfare in the game

*LESSONS FROM THE MASTERS*- My idea of a series on how lessons from real-world wars and the legendary Art of War that can be applied in the game

*THE SOAP BOX*-Politics in the game

*SHORE LEAVE*- Entertainment, mainly Books, Movies, Television, Video Games, or Podcasts. If I talk about a podcast I will provide a sample podcast for you to enjoy at the beginning that is not part of a series. I plan on doing 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and also the podcast Digital Gonzo

*EDITORIAL*- Mix bag or G2 on the Paper

The mission of making of good articles that will be fun and interesting does not mean it will be quick. I will try to make articles at a nice pace, but not at a rate that will harm the quality of the work. I understand that others can make articles in a day, but mine will take time. I have some skill at writing, but to pull it off means a slower pace. If I do post something quickly, you can understand that I must have some strong issues on what it is about. Also I want to do my research on the topic and make sure I have all the facts. I’m a new guy so I will not be fully up to date on the full depth of US politics and warfare. Don’t expect for me to write for Soap Box, Lessons, or War Room quickly, I need to do my research and make sure I don’t end up putting my foot in my mouth. Shore Leave will be having a mix speed. The large books and grind-heavy RPGs will have to take their time,but the movies, podcast, most games, and short books will be faster but I will be taking my time to make sure I do the material justice. As I stated SFL is about quality,I want you to be happy to see a new article from SFL in your news feed and want to read each article to the end.

I hope you will stick with me and also I'm happy to take comments on how to improve SFL or to discuss about the articles.


Subject Header work done by Dogply, Thank you so much for the work