[Edited] Citizenship - A matter of color ?

Day 617, 09:23 Published in USA Sweden by Fenrisulven

Hmm, the last article was deleted for some stupid reason.. It's adjusted now, hopefully corecctly adjusted.

This article is based on my own thoughts and reflections. I write to you Americans because small countries won't be TOd as often as before due to the time it takes. They want to hit hard and big.

The text starts with my thoughts on who will be granted citizenship and why. Risks and deceptions etc. After that the text takes a drastic U-turn and the content will be based on Take Overs.

If you’re not interested in reading the whole article you can find a summary at the end !!

I've seen alot of discussions regarding the new Citizenship module in forums from all over the world. Suggestions on whom to grant access and whom to deny. This new module will make PTOs much harder. But not IMPOSSIBLE !

In real life color is a big difference, you may not agree with me on that but thats the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you're white male in an african country, you won't fit in, if you're black male in a “white” country you won't fit in either. Thats just obvious. I'm not a racist.. I am a foreigner in my country aswell 😛 Don't missunderstand me, please.

Here at eRepublik, color isn't something you can detect by looking at someones profile, or even if you talk with him/her. Colors doesn't matter.. Atleast not the color of your skin.
But our home countries flags are something we can all relate to and that can help us detect bad guy. A small thumbrule may be checking his/her current flag before you grant him/her access to your country.

This person may be a refuge or a true citizen cought in an enemy country due to losses of regions. Those shall be granted, because they're representatives of your country. We can not turn our back at them because of their current country.

Does this really matter? The answer is no

Due to this module PTO or TO if you prefeer to call it that will be hard. But not impossible. That is why we (you) must be extra cautious when we go trough applications. If you don't want to put a lot of time to go trhough applications thurrowly, skip the entire thing. Who knows, you maybe letting PEACE members in and if they succed to win a congressional election your country will be filled with infiltrators. Those will candidate for different positions and soon there will be enough citizens to take over the country.

You may have understood that TOs won't be easy if you've read different texts published by admins and civilians. But the risk is always there. And it's not as easy to know if you're beeing TOd as before. Thats a big downside with the module but it's an improvement and therefore appreciated.

[Click at the picture if you want a more detailed one]
Oh look ! A harmless old hungarian.

😮 !! Sneaky old bastard.. He almost fooled me, better look out in the future. You should do the same. You may miss out on important things if you let your laziness do all the work.

+ Try to be as confident you can be before letting a stranger become a citizen
+ Look out for odd things even though Take Overs may seem unrealistic.
+ Don't handle application if you're to lazy.. Granting someone citizenship doesn't give benefits such as experience points to the processor.

// Fenrisulven - feel free to vote & subscribe