[EDIT]Krzychotychy - eEesti presidendikandidaat!

Day 2,386, 13:48 Published in Estonia Poland by krzychotychy

Update 4.06.2014:

My Goverment:
- Minister of Finance: damiendk
- Minister of Defence: Mixliarder
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: ZimZom
- Minister of Social Affairs: N2SS
- Minister of Education: Mart Klaar
plus Advisor: Mister Margooni

Dear Estonians,

I am sure most of you don't know me and it's understandable - I am new in eEstonian society. But as the past has shown, new citizens are more than welcome. Especially - new citizens, which fight for eEstonia all the time and want to create a better future. But let me introduce myself.

Estonia is a big friend of mine. I am vice-commander of POG (yeah, that POG😁, and a calm, nice guy. I've become Congressman accidentally this month, but it just gave me the reason to be more active in eEstonia, because our country doesn't have many active people in fact... And we all know that. But I will try to change it. And I will do my best.

Some of you may be a bit astonished because the new guy in the country is running for the most important office. But I play this game for 5 years already, so I am very experienced, active and trustful guy (everybody who knows me can confirm that). But we had the same situation several months ago, when Mixliarder was running for CP. Not everybody was sure if that's OK, but he has proven its best intentions many, many times and I hope sooner or later you will trust me as well - whether I win or not. The most important thing is that I want to lead this country. To the win!

The programme for upcoming month is not so easy, but doable.

1. National Army.

The idea which will be presented below was created by Mister Margooni and Mixliarder few months ago. For now Estonia has few military units (MU), but our damage is completely split and that makes us a bit weaker - we can't fight together when it's really needed.

I want to copy a system from POG, which is working pretty good (Margooni, SandraCass, Supinoks, Mihkels and other POGs can confirm that). It works that way:

1. Soldiers get SMS on their phones using Google Calendar about the time and a place of action (it's FREE).
2. Soldiers join IRC channel.
3. If soldier has 130 FF (food fights, 130ff = 1300 HP), then he/she writes: !sendform 130
That fills our Google Spreadsheet, which for Commanders looks that way:

4. Then, Commanders open our Damage & Hit Recorder, and Soldiers are obligated to use command !parse
It starts checking their current EXP points and Military Rank.

5. Then, there's an order where to fight, so soldiers are fighting there.
6. After it's done, Commander needs to use one of the commands to automatically count all hits & damage made by all Soldiers.
7. Then Commander closes the parser with another command and we get a report looking like this:

Thankfully to that report, we can create weekly (or monthly) Soldiers` Activity Ranking in Google Spreadsheet (to create one it takes like 5 minutes). In our MU we give prizes (extra Q7 tanks) for TOP15 weekly, but that can be adjusted for the country needs. And I think creating one Military Unit it's not necessary, all Estonian MUs could participate in that project without a need to change the MU.

Few reason why it would be useful:
- people will fight together
- they will use IRC
- we can be better militarily organized
- we can give prizes for the most active citizens (a formula based on hits and the amount of actions in which somebody participated). The only arguable issue is how would we fund the prizes and for how much (in our MU we have 200 tanks Q7 weekly), however I am sure we could find something.
- people will be more active

Sounds good, doesn't it? 🙂

2. Foreign Affairs things...

This will be short: New Alliance (from proSirius countries) is at the moment being discussed and me and my government will do our best to strenghten Estonian position among ProSirius countries and to inform the society about the most important things.

We could try to close the war with Funland, but we all know that... nobody knows if it's possible. We won't be conquered for sure 🙂

3. Government

I want to have the government similar to the last one (Mixliarder and ZimZom already confirmed they will help me). I am going to talk to current government and maybe some new faces (Estonians), but I need some advice about it. Anyway, everything will work perfectly - that's for sure.

That's all for the moment and tomorrow (or on 4.06) I will publish my final government. Let me know if you would like to join it (especially coordinating military things in the possible Army!) and I would be pleased if you could invite me to friends:

With best regards for everybody and thanks for Eesti Rahvuslased for supporting me,