[EDEN]Divide and Conquer

Day 870, 00:27 Published in Romania Romania by armanu

Great job allies/enemies, I don't really know how to address to you.

Instead of pulling us all together, we are fighting among us for supremacy in EDEN.
Our egos have passed the borders of our common goals.

Poland has the biggest number of players
Spain has the gold.
USA has real money
Romania has great army
Croatia best allies!
Greece best allies!
Finland all the respect!!!
Not to speak of Nordics, we have the force and the strength to finish Phoenix once and for all!


Instead of taking everything from them and then split the spoils of war. We are fighting for who to get what first!
USA doesn't want Poland to get NoB for some stupid reason.
USA doesn't want anyone to get anything, because it would make them imperialistic, but what is USA with Indian Iron? or with Canadian Titanium? Oh you are just borrowing? Well we would also like to borrow some high regions from our enemies!

Poland made Romanian's gypsies and thieves (nice excuse you made up)

I don't know what others want, but I know what I WANT.
I want this alliance to work at least until we get phoenix down to its knees, after that it's free for all.

We must get together and take this plan to an end, because once V2 will appear it will take ages to get to Asia's high resources and Phoenix will eat us alive with all those resources at its discretion.

Forget about this nonsense crap like Romania - Poland - USA is bad/imperialistic/traitor, bla… bla…

Let us all fight for this common goal of taking Phoenix down, after we can fight as long as we want. But let's let them without their most valuable regions first!

Hear us in Victory!