通貨緊縮下的eC經濟 (內含小福利) / eChina under Deflationary Pressure

Day 1,723, 21:17 Published in China China by Panzerkom

(身為e中國國民,當然是先中后英嘍。As the author is a citizen of eChina, this article will be published first in Chinese then English. )

身為資深懶散窮人打工族。樓豬必須表示,最近e世界工資的瘋狂下跌,令本來依靠工資維生的樓豬心痛不已。從宏觀經濟學的角度來講,這是一個典型的反向 物價-工資螺旋,必須小心應對。




As a long-time low-level lazy-ass working-class player, I must admit, I have been hit hard by the recent deflation as my salary dropped dramatically. This is a typical downward Price/Wage Spiral in macro economics and deserves some attention.

Obviously, the culprit of falling wages is lower prices of products. But, in this round of deflation, it is easy to see that the rate wages are falling far outpaced that of prices. The daily wage at eChina has fell from a high of between 330 to 360 CC when rockets were first introduced to under 100 at present. At the same time, two of the items that I purchase on a daily basis -- Q1 food and Q6 weapons -- has only see a price drop of around 33% to 40%. Considering a fixed amount of CC is required in the construction of rockets and other low-level buildings, the biggest victims at the moment are low level players. However, if left unchecked, deflation can drain the cash from all players, causing a lower willingness to purchase products; this reduction in demand will in turn cause a further drop in price, which will cause a further drop in wages. This is a vicious cycle.

So, is there anything that can be done by our venerable eGovernment? Of course! The easiest way is to send me some money, LOL. But, of course, there are other policy actions that have real life parallels. The central bank can, for example, increase the supply of money (are central banks still allowed to freely print money in this game?) or even participate in the markets directly (again, game mechanism question here). But of course, giving me some CC would do just fine.

Anyway, time for some benefits...

======================== 福利 / benefits ==================================

再次賣友求榮,因為仍然是現實生活中的朋友,所以不能秀真容,抱歉啦。超辣的姐姐哦,而且是醫生,還開Z4哦。 some pics of my super hot doctor friend who drives a Z4. sry gotta do the smiley face, you know RL and all

超長腿的哦,這張就能看出身腿比; long legs...

而且喜歡cosplay哦; and she likes to dress up

我跟你們講了美腿沒? did i mention nice legs?