Day 789, 05:49 Published in Greece Greece by pantel

Η παρακατω ειναι μια συνεντευξη με τον Ernesto Guevara προεδρο της eBolivia υποστηριζομενο απο το αριστερο κομμα
Partido Obrero Revolucionario

So ernesto how did you start playing the erepublik game?

I am strongly interested in politics in RL. I was invited to this social-politic simulator... it was an offer impossible to be refused.

If i am not wrong you are the only left president how did you make that?

We had our first "normalized" election in eBolivia (in the previous one we sent unified candidacies to solve some PTO menaces, etc). Our party, recently organized, proposed his own candidacy and we got enough support to win the election. We faced a rightiest competitor (Cristhian Goebbels).

So what is the structure of the eBolivia economy?

We have a mixed economy, but with a strong gov. presence with its own industries. Currently, eBolivian government administrates 7 companies. That means the bolivian gov has control of about 50% of production. eBolivian economy was organized before our rising as nation. We focused on small quantity of companies but with a high quality, with preference to our export vocation (we have 2 high resources: Grains and wood). The construction sector of economy was in hands of govenrment, so private investor was concentrated on manufacture and land.
According to our planification, government will join the economic areas where the privates cannot cover the demands and in specific cases (like high speculation, unstable prices, etc).

What about the army structure. you are a small country but you own all your regions how can you do it?

We are "surrounded" by allies: we are in ALA (LAtinAmerican Alliance). That give us enough stability in our borderlines. Our bigger menaces were always politicals, with several groups of PTOers trying to gain control of us. But having a united community, and receiving help of our allies, solved that. Our army is, in fact, small, but our allies appreciate a lot our commitment with them, helping in their defense, like we did recently in France. We are now reforming the army structure, to make it more efficient and effective. Not for ofensive reasons: to defend our conquest and to help our friends in need against belicist and imperialist nations.

So tell me about ALA how does it work which are it's goals?

ALA is a young alliance with a very high objective: the unity of latinamerican nations, creating a peaceful space where our people will work on more profitable things without worrying about "what the neighbor is preparing for us?" (like Europe is right now). Currently, is a defensive alliance with a coordination of Anti-TO effort. We (our govenrment and the other ones) are trying to make it deep: to become allianced not only in military (defensive) terms... we want an economic and, later, a political union. So we are just in the beggining of a long road in fron of us.

How do you see EDEN and PHOENIX?

Both of them are focused in the militaristic module of eRepublik. We, and personally myself, are focused on political and economical ones. We received several EDEN "visits" in latinamerica (direct military attacks, PTO attempts, we have currently Peru under polish occupation, etc)... About PHOENIX, they are focused on war in the other corner of the eWorld. I dont like offensive countries, but at least them are respecting our soil and the way we are playing this game. Brazil and Argentina, 2 ALA allies of us, joined PHOENIX recently. I assume they want to exploit his strenght. Small countries like ours, can not dream on great military conquests... 😛

How do you see the future of eBolivia?

We are building the main funds of a new structure for our government. That will allow future governments to make his work almmost in "automatic". With this new administrative system, every citizen will gain the place he works to get, like the eR "career path". That will make them more commited to the community, and knowing they will get anything they desreve only based in their own efforts. An example: We have a new Diplomatic structure with 3 levels (Mofa, Area Cief and Ambassador). Everyone starts his Diplomatic career as Ambassador. Being evaluated by his Area Chief (we have one chief for each language area: latinamerican countries, english-spoken countries, etc) they can become Chief Area. And a Chief Area could become MoFA. For that evaluations we created the Bolivian University.
But eBolivian future is not only based in his administrative organization. Our economy will be deeply reformed in the next days. For personal reasons, this first days were about re-organization. Next ones will be about economic reforms. One of my promises was about making a better distribution of our wealth. I am personally testing a system in my own wood company, and it works! We will apply it to the gov companies as soon as possible. That will make gov comanies more decisive in market, expanding their presence according to our needs.

Have you something to tell to the e-left parties around the world?

We have a great opportunity in eBolivia to show that we are able to make this real. We have the economic basis, the external (peaceful) conditions, and an honest group working on this. We know this will be a hard task, and we all know we will have menaces in front of us. You are working in the same way, maybe using different methods. We we all have the same objetives: to build a socialist economy, in a non-socialist game. Every where I visited, people told me that: Thats not possible, eR dont will allow that kind of things... our answers are our current actions. And we will show them all that we can do. I invite you to join this process, because we need to secure our conquests. A process like this needs time, continuity, and be defended. We are building an international reference. Join it, defend it!

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