【e世界观察家】Phoenix内部暗流涌动 Strained Internal Relations in Phoenix

Day 936, 12:34 Published in Canada China by absot

▓ eWorld Observer ISSUE.65 D936 ▓

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Romool在其报纸上撰写了两篇文章,认为应对Phoenix联盟内部进行改革。他 提到Phoenix国家为了各自利益,只是偶尔为了共同目标而作战,比如由于联盟领导 人们并未投入太多力量而造成了Rhone Alps的失败,而在辽宁积极的团队作战却带来了胜利。

Romool还提到,联盟国家内部的战争是不可接受的(指的是最近拉脱维亚对爱 沙尼亚的进攻),拉脱维亚应对其行为负责。他已经请求俄罗斯国会解除与拉脱维 亚的MPP协议,并将在联盟内提出中止其成员资格的投票。

Romool认为,联盟内其他不积极的国家的成员资格也应被中止,他还提出了根据战斗 的重要程度要求成员国必须输出至少一定数量的最小伤害。例如,对于重要战斗俄罗斯应最 少输出25万伤害,对于超级重要战斗应最少输出50万伤害。最小伤害值的计算将根据每 个国家的实际情况而定,如果某个国家达不到要求,应向Phoenix提供一定数量的坦 克资金。

Romool也提到,部分小国家只是把Phoenix作为了保护伞,大国也因此开始逃 避其义务,这造成了Rhone Alps的失败。当前的形势对大国来说并不合适,如果小国家不想提供充分的军事 帮助,那么就需要支付大国用于维护安全的资金。

Romool并不在乎拉脱维亚会加入EDEN,他举例芬兰就被俄罗斯踏平了。不过他认 为将国家驱逐出联盟是一种极端的措施,但是Phoenix前5大国是能够做得出来的。

几天前,拉脱维亚总统Amakatanav拒绝向Phoenix缴纳300g的罚金并与爱沙尼亚议和。Phoenix最高指挥官拉脱维亚人Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps宣布辞去其职务,此前他是实际的军事指挥者。

Kurzemes在其报纸中指责拉脱维亚前任和现任总统缺乏外交能力,解释其仍然支持 Phoenix的军事行动,但是为了维护国内团结同时避免利益冲突,才会辞职的。这也 说明拉脱维亚内部存在很大意见分歧。


Strained Internal Relations in Phoenix

The Phoenix alliance had their monthly election a few days ago. The new co-Secretary General Kistru comes from Serbia. Another co-Secretary General Romool comes from Russia.

Romool wrote 2 interesting articles in his newspaper. He said there's a deep need for certain changes in Alliance. The Alliance is a conglomerate of countries, which fight for united goals only on rare occasions. Every other day they do it, struggling for own interests. He reminded about their defeat in Alps, when leaders of the Alliance did not bother much about the battle, or more positive example of team play - the Lion King.

Romool mentioned that the wars between alliance members were not acceptable (Latvian attack on Estonia). Latvia shall be punished for this act. He has asked the eRussian Congress to abolish the MPP with Latvia, and he will propose the voting for suspension of their membership in Alliance.

Romool thinks that other inactive countries may also face suspension of their membership. They don't need ballast members there. I've also proposed an introduction of minimal damage level for each member country, in High- and Super-high-priority battles.
E.g., in a foreign landing operation of High priority, our country should be able to contribute at least 250k damage, and for Super-high-priority, >500k.
The calculation should take into account many country' parameters, such as economy power, average strength and quantity of regular soldiers, etc. If the country fails to make a required damage, they are obliged to donate to Phoenix the funds necessary to finance the tanking to the specified minimum level.

Romool also mentioned that some small countries (not all) were using Phoenix just as an umbrella. Large countries see this and also begin to shirk from their responsibilities. This caused our loss in Rhone Alps. The current situation does not suit the big countries! If small countries do not want to help in a sufficient manner, and send their armies, then please pay the big countries for "shelter" and security.

Romool said, do not scare them with the assumption of Latvia joining EDEN. The Finns, for example, with pleasure that I drank (Russia conquered Finland with pleasure). Of course, the exclusion from the Alliance - is an extreme measure. But the top 5 Phoenix nations are ready to do it.

Latvian president Amakatanav refused to pay the 300g fine to Phoenix and to sign peace with Estonia a few days ago. Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps from Latvia, who is the de-facto military commander as the Supreme Commander of the alliance, announced his quit to the post.

Kurzemes reproached in his newspaper that Latvian presidents, both previous and current, lack the diplomacy skills to resolve this conflict in a way that is more beneficial to Latvia. He said the reason of his quit was to show solidarity with my country and to avoid an interest conflict. He will still be an avid Phoenix supporter and help Phoenix in it's military conflicts. It indicates the great division within Latvia.


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