[DW]Vote for the Wolf in Quebec.....Apparently

Day 1,341, 14:19 Published in Canada Canada by Damien Wolf

So I logged on yesterday and placed my candidature to run for congress, then i quickly headed out to PEI to fight alongside my bro's(and we owned that RW btw)
I am running under my party's, i.e. Military Dictatorship Party's Banner! My PP Sir Longname was kind enough to deal with my candidature o/

so frankly i didnt remember where i submitted my candidacy, it appears to be that i am now running for congress in Quebec! \o/

So i thought i should atleast do some research about Quebec and i found that Quebec is actually pretty f*ckin awesome!

I've never really been the type to ask for votes and subs, or election votes, but If you happen to be in Quebec, then consider voting for me. I'm active, I obviously spam the media and i swear i wont propose a Rogue NE against redcoats...well okay i am tempted to but i wont!

I could list what i have done in this game, but lets be honest you dont give a f*ck. I will do my very best in congress. That is all.

So for honesty, beer and Beautiful Women(not particularly in that order) vote DW in Quebec.

Take a look at that fine hammer 😉

Not living in Quebec? then if you wanna support me, then you can do so with a simple shout of this link : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1827671/1/20

game removes the link if it has the word vote in it, go figure 😛

Damien Wolf