[DPJ] Our March Agenda

Day 848, 03:48 Published in Japan Japan by Democratic Party of Japan
http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab7/aerime/dpj2.png" width="600" height="150" />

Hello everyone,

I would like to thank all that have voted for me again for Party President, I hope I wont disappoint you.

In this month, I will set a number of new agendas for our party.

1. As many of our members are aware, we introduced the group concept during my last term. I would like to inform you that there have been a number of adjustments made to it, and I will send you an update shortly through PM.

2. We also introduced a social program during my last term, which is commonly known as the Work for Guns Project. The trial will be continued for a few more weeks, and then we can analyse the data to exam the result against the goals we set.

3. To recognise her service to our party, I will announce Miyazaki Miho as the vice president of the DPJ, she will continue their current role in the party as our information cooridinator as well.

4. I also want to nominate Aston Reynolds to be our event coordinator, he was the Minister for Culture for eJapan several months ago, and I think with his talent to organise events, this could really help us to increase our activeness and bring the community together.

5. Yesterday, I received a message from the newly elected Party President of the New party, Goku Jones. In this message, he proposed that the New party and the DPJ should be merged together. As this issue is related to the future of the DPJ, I feel every member should have a say on the issue, I will discuss this with all of you and will set up a poll later to see what your reaction to this shortly (as soon as I got the router fixed 😁.

6. I have contacted several people in the business community to see if they have the time to implement the Business council idea, which was suggested a few months ago, but hasn't really make too much progress so far.

Here's the agenda I have set so far, I hope these plans will bring benefits not just to our members, but for the wider community outside of DPJ as well. If you are interested, you don't have to be our member to help us out, you know what you need to do. Just contact us through messages in game, or at the forum and we will talk to you.

Best Regards,
Party President of the DPJ

DPJ Contact Detail:

Offical Org: http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/2474982
Forum: http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=18 (required sign up to the national forum)
mIRC channel: LINK