[DPJ] Fight the recession, FIGHT IT NOW!!

Day 831, 20:04 Published in Japan Japan by Democratic Party of Japan
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In the recent congress election, our candidate, Miyazaki Miho has achieved a great result. We achieved our primary objective to return her to congress with one of the widest margin in the election. The result is way beyond even my expectation. So, I thank everyone who turn up and voted for her, and hope that she will continue with the wonderful job she has done so far in congress, and continue to voice the concern of the public in the new congress.

Fight the recession

In Japan, the economy has been in very bad shape for a while now, and I am a bit disappointed that everyone from the government or the business communities has so far failed to challenge the status quo and fight the recession. It seems everyone has accepted Lana is to blame, and everyone is waiting for god... the admins to implement the new economic module to save us.

Instead of waiting for the doom or a messiah, I believe we should be more proactive in taking on the challenge.

Cycle of Doom

To understand the problem, let me give you a simplified explanation. In recent months, there is massive weapon boom in Japan and in the rest of the world that pushed the prices over the roof. New weapons companies started to pop up from everywhere including Japan, and for a while, we seem to have a shortage of weapons despite having 20+ Q1 weapon companies operating in Japan.

But this boom slowed down as more and more weapons were produced, and fewer weapons were sold. Perhaps some of this are contributed from the Lana phenomenon, perhaps the overproduction globally or other factors have contributed to this as well.

But once the weapons are pilling up in the world scale, the companies which had been enjoying a health profit are now struggling to sell their products. A bitter price war ensured as these companies are struggling to stay afloat. As they tried to minimise the company's operating expenditure to remain competitive, the first casualty is their employee's wages.
http://tinyurl.com/ylsq27o" width="400" height="400" />
The wages for manufacturing jobs plummeted, and this also reduce their ability to spend on weapons during the military exercises. And so, the problem is compounded with some people obsessed with spending their money on training, and there are others who simply cannot afford to buy guns because of the wage cut.

Land industries are also affected by this, because with fewer products needed, the manufactuers decided to slow down or halt production all together, this resulted in a drop in demand for raw materials as well.

In 2 months time, Q1 weapons were sold as high as 3.3JPY on average are now less than 2JPY, Q1 food was 0.4JPY, and it is now 0.34JPY.

The recession is a problem we created ourself, like every action, there are consequences followed. If someone opened a new companies, there will be more competition in the market, it may flooded the market and force prices and wages to fall, however, no one is complain about the admin letting people to create new companies. The same can be said about Lana, the admin didn't force you to train with her. Blaiming the admins for this is pointless.

Indeed, the solution to the problem is very simple. There are a number of things we can do to improve the situation.

1. Stop being obsess about training, spend a potion of your money on gun, and spend on training only when you can really afford to.

2. We need to increase demand, this country has 500 or so active citizens, if each of them buy one gun a day, this will consume 500 guns, which is roughly about half of what we produced in our economy. I'd say we definitely aren't selling anywhere near this rate by observing how fast the market moves.

3. We need to cut supply, we are producing way too many guns out there. Given the size of our market, it is not feasible to have that many companies operating here. An export license may be a temperary solution to mitigate the problem and transfer to another country, but ultimately, some businesses need to be closed.

Work for Guns Project

For solution 1 and 3, it is really down to the individuals to execise some constiants. For solution 2, the DPJ party will start a Work for Guns initiative.

The name of the project speaks for itself, we will offer to pay a potion of wages to our employees with guns instead of money. In addition, we will also offer information and help to our employees about the importance of training with weapons, military ranks, etc.

Our objectives include😛
1. To increase the demand for weapons in Japan by giving them lower level weapons a subsidised price.

2. Provide help and training to the employees about weapons and enable them to increase their rank faster.

3. Ensure the employees would continue to be active with communication.

I don't claim this will make the problem go away instantly, but this will take a few guns away from our local market everyday, which is a small step to relief the overproduction and shrinking wages situation. And if other companies follows, this could really help our economic recovery.

I have put WfGP in front of the name of any companies which participate in the program, which is the abbreviation of the Work for Guns Project. If you are interest, you can also use the same convention as well.

Link to company: http://www.erepublik.com/en/company/wfgp-work-for-guns-project-201050

Party President of the DPJ

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Offical Org: http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/2474982
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