[Don 4 CP] Once More Unto the Breach

Day 2,019, 17:26 Published in India India by DonMogul


I am in need of a Minister for Finance, Minister for Internal Affairs, Minister for Media and Culture and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and a Minister of Defense.

Also volunteers for my Retention program would be appreciated.

Interested? Post below or send me a message!

The Manifesto

This month will be a very busy month for me in the top job. There is a lot of work to be done and I aim to do it.

Social Stuff

Talks of baby booms (B😎 are all very well and good but since when has India had one? There have been very few CP candidates in India who have NOT promised a BB. Those that have have for the most part failed to deliver.

My own efforts will in the main be concentrated on retaining the new people we have. I will also see if I can insert an advertisement in my local paper (regardless of whether I win or not) to entice people over.

My retention team will focus on mentoring our younger players. Whatever issues our new players may have will be solved by the team.

I will also be advertising our forums and IRC channels as much as possible. There are times where there isn't much activity in either area.


I will, alongside my MoF, be going through our nation's expenses. Cuts will be made where we are not getting full value for our government spending. Extra funds will be allocated to where it is actually needed.

I intend to tidy up our nation's books and pave the way for a profitable future. With these profits, we will be able to properly allocate funds where needed in times of crisis.


In this area I will be aiming to re-shape our military and will be looking heavily into our dispatch system.

In terms of reshaping, I will aim to create squads that will contain people online at the same time and will mean co-ordinated hitting which to be quite frank has been an issue for India for quite some time.

Part of the Retention Program will also contain a few of our strongest soldiers taking a small number of new players under their wing in "Newb Squads". Competitions will take place between these squads from "most kills in 1 day" to "highest average influence in one day" and "most battle heroes in 1 week".

GOLD prizes sourced from player donations will be allocated to winners of these categories.

This is the tl:dr version of my military policy. There will be a lot more to come after the 5th June.

The Outside World

Yes. There are other nations in the New World other than India! Shocking I know!

Notice the request for a dMofA? I deem Foreign Affairs so important this term that I will be taking it on myself. It will mean a lot of hard work. But it is work I can do well.

Owing to the illegal occupation of our lands by certain nations, I will be aiming to re-claim what has been lost. However, that means fighting against nations who have been tempered by endless war with Serbia and other giants. We will need help.

To this end, I will be in close contact with those MUs who have approached us to lend assistance. I will also aim to build new ties and forge closer bonds with current friends.

First, however, I will make one more attempt at diplomacy with our occupiers. I hope to find men of reason in those nations after the 5th. But if need be, I will not hesitate to call upon our nations brave soldiers and loyal allies to help us drive the occupiers out.

Cabinet V Congress

The Cabinet and myself will aim to have full transparency with the Congress regarding the decision making process. However, there may be times where an immediate decision is needed and for whatever reason there aren't many Congresspeople on our IRC or responding to in-game messages.

When this happens, I along with my Cabinet team, will make the decision based on India's interests. We will explain our decision to the public and Congress as soon as practicable.

It is inevitable that sometime down the line the Cabinet team (whether its in my term as CP or some other CP in the coming months) will have to make snap decisions. Know that we have India's best interests at heaert.

That's it for now!

Yes this whole thing is the tl:dr version! The actual version is a lot longer!

This hopefully provides an outline of my goals and aims if I am CP after the 5th November!