[Domestic Report] Interview with Alfred Ball on Culture and China

Day 1,241, 14:58 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
Ministry of Media Report Day 1,241

Domestic News

-The current Minister of Culture and History has been recently criticized for his job performance.
-Hostile comments have allegedly been flying back and forth through comments on articles as well as through PM's.
-Danyeo has recently announced that he is replacing Hitoshi with Yonsil
-His article was posted yesterday and gives his reasons for wanting Yonsil to be MoCH. This article was also written using the national bank organization even though Danyeo is not in cabinet.

-On the national forums, a deal has been presented to rent Kyushu and Chugoku to China for three months. Payment will be 270 gold up front.
-A vote thread has been started and should be concluded soon.
-Residents are encouraged to move out of these regions because of a likelihood that they will be occupied for the time being.

Interview with Alfred Ball

Ecka: Good afternoon Mr. Ball, how are you doing.

Alfre😛 I am doing great, I am happy to be here today.

Ecka: Well lets get down to business. My first question has to do with the current MoCH. What reasons did you have for placing Hitoshi in control of Japanese culture?

Alfre😛 I felt he could do the best job given he was the only one who cared enough to ask for it lol.

Ecka: That seems fair. You did announce the opening for anyone to take the position. Now for my next question, do you approve of his current performance?

Alfre😛 Well, as of recently I would like to get all the facts on the Yonsil vs Hitoshi thing. Until then, I will not pass judgement.

Ecka: Do you stick by your appointment, or do you now prefer his recently announced opponent, Yonsil?

Alfre😛 As of now my appointment stands. Depending on how things develop, I will get back to you on this.

Ecka: My final question has to do with recent events with China. Is there anything you would like to say about the current situation?

Alfre😛 The matter with China is a tough one, but I am looking into all possibilities. Letting them have any land wasn't what I intended, but from the cards we are dealt, we are looking into all possibilities.

Ecka: Thank you for being here and providing this interview for the Japanese people.

Alfre😛 Not a problem. Thank you for having me.

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