Day 1,217, 15:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA

After having a short delay when I had to sort out my real life situation, I would like to announce we have some winners for our Department of Information competition held a few days ago. Before I announce the winners I would like to notify you of the answers.

1. Who was the first ‘Resistance President’ in the latest PTO?
It was Grimstone of course! After Styke was impeached, it put me as CP, BUT it was only in Grimstone’s terms were we a Resistance Government.

2. What eSA Ministry is permanently banned?
This one caused a bit on confusion, I did mean Ministry and not Minister although with recent events with Krimpie, people assumed I meant that. The Ministry was the Ministry of Information and was banned after Harvad got the password.

3. Who is the current Minister of Finance?
Lazer Fazer as always.

4. Who was the first ever Chief Minister of State?
It was me!!

5. What does eSAHC stand for?
Easy one here, eSouth African Health Centre

6. What does EDEN stand for?
Erepublik Defense and Economy Network, I never liked what the letters stood for. It never flowed....

7. Who is the current President of eFrance?

8. Who won the eUK presidential elections of May 2009?
SaraDroz, who now I have been informed is Canadian

9. What country was added to eRepublik on 10th June 2008?

10. If you had 1,000,000 rank points, what rank would you be?
You would be a General* which starts at 950,000 and the next level up would be General** at 1,140,000


So here are the WINNERS!
The winners will receive cash and the winner will get this...

So, in first place we have....
Grimstone (50 ZAR)

In second place....
Fhaemita (25 ZAR)

And in third place...
Rincewind (15 ZAR)

Congratulations!! I will get the money people to donate the money ASAP!!!

Director of Information