**Dodge for NZ Congress**

Day 1,063, 16:47 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Greetings fellow New Zealanders,

My name is Daniel Dodge, if you do not know me, I am running for Congress

I spent 4 terms in the eUS Congress as a member of the AAP :🙂 One term in the eSA Congress and a few months in the armed forces of both the eUS and eSouth Africa.

12 months ago I worked with the Wasteland Commission and then the Salvation Army to move residents from undefended states to 'Fortress States' during the invasion of the eUS. I rose to become the Deputy Director of the Salvation Army and Deputy Secretary of the Interior during that time.

I also hold past experience as Director of Communications for the now-defunct AAP 😛 and as an ambassador and then Regional Boss for the eUS State Department.

If elected on the 25th I will focus my efforts on 4 areas: ATO, Economy, Retention and Foreign Affairs.

ATO- It should be totes obvi why this is important. Anti-Takeover operations are going to make or break our country over the next few months. Because of open citizenship, many were able to gain citizenship that may not represent the best interests of a free New Zealand. As a Congressman and a citizen I will support any practical ATO measures and work to ensure they receive the funding and publicity they need.

Economy- I will never profess to be an economic wunderkind; but as a Congressman I will monitor all economic discussions and make sure that I am well informed before casting my vote. I can say that as a new nation we need to encourage business growth and investment. Though it may be hard, we also need to ensure adequate income for our country, in the beginning this will need to come in the form of income taxes. Particularly in the field of economics, I will refer to those more knowledgeable than myself and use my common sense to vote.

Retention- eRepublik is constantly battling to retain citizens, and New Zealand will be no different. Some have told me that we need not worry, that the excitement of a new nation will keep people coming back. While I agree to an extent, I feel that we must also put some effort into developing ideas and initiatives to retain our citizens. The easiest ways to do this are to make the game fun and get the citizen involved. Already on the forums we have had Team A vs Team B and Survivor entertaining many. Combining lulzy games competitions like those with an active military, media and political society will keep people coming back and as a Congressman I will throw my support behind these programs.

Foreign Affairs- At the end of the day, diplomacy will protect us more than arms. While we do have a grace period, it will eventually fall away and ambitious nations will start eyeing the small amount of land we call home. As a Congressman I will focus the majority of my energies on working with others to develop, debate and implement a sound, practical foreign policy in which we seek out friendship with active partners from both sides of the global power grid (aka from both EDEN and Phoenix). We will also seek allies in the other unaffiliated nations of the world, as they are our brothers and sisters in the New World.

Feel free to PM me with any questions, or just post them here. I try to get on IRC for an hour or so everyday (RL permitting). Until then, go to the Region 4 primary and vote for me, Daniel Dodge

Thank you and God bless