[DoA] Introducing the Department of Activity

Day 781, 13:32 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew
Two days ago I was appointed Director of Activity. Most of you have probably never heard of the DoA, which is understandable as it's a new department this term. For this reason I will write an introduction of who we are and what we do.

What is the DoA?
This term our president, Mark Morcom, created a new ministry; the Ministry of Military Development. The MoMD is lead by Maddog Jones, who split this ministry into three departments. The DoA is one of these three. As said before I was appointed director, and Spottedfrog is my deputy. We will be working very hard to fulfill every goal we put up. As this is the first term for the DoA we will also have to work on the structure of the department.

What do we do?
Well the name kind of indicates that we will be trying to boost the activity in the eSAAF. But the term 'activity' isn't very specific. So I will explain a little more. We will focusing on three areas:
IRC - the activity on IRC is important for the spirit in the military. I believe that our soldiers will work together much better if they know each other. And what better way is there to bond than IRC? For military operations it's also good to have as many of the soldiers as possible available on IRC. Communication and co-operation is vital when coordinating an attack. We will work on increasing the activity on eSAAF's IRC-channel.
Military-owned companies - the military needs weapons to perform, these weapons are produced in military-owned companies, where soldiers work for minimum wage in exchange of free weapons. These companies gives the eSAAF the ability to perform operations and also makes sure that their expenses aren't too high. We will encourage eSA citizens to work more in these companies.
Comfort - it's important that our soldiers have a good time while they are serving their country. This will ensure that they stick around and hopefully encourage their friends to join the eSAAF. If you are a soldier and have any complaint about how things are done, or anything else about the eSAAF, then we want to hear it and hopefully fix the problem. Also if you have any suggestion on how to make the eSAAF more fun/exciting/comfortable, please raise you voice because we want to hear what you have to say.

IRC - right now the activity on eSAAF's IRC-channel is rather low. It's almost solely officer who hang out there. And conversations about anything else than military organization are rare. During this term we want to change this. We want to see soldiers from all ranks on our IRC-channel. And with more people we hope to see more diversity in the topics of conversation.
Military-owned companies - as we haven't kept track of the workers at these companies we can't really estimate how much we will be able to increase the workforce. But for the sake of having a goal I have decided that we will try to increase the number of workers every week. Every Sunday I will check how many active worker the companies have at the moment, to keep track of the progress.
Comfort - we want to make sure that not even one of our soldiers feels uncomfortable in the eSAAF. And if this is achieved we want to make their time their even more comfortable.

Director of Activity