Day 1,672, 11:16 Published in India India by Terciopelo
Hello people of eIndia!!!!!

It’s me, your one and only AWESOMOUS COOLIUS MAXIMUS PROBOLIUS (DMoF) once again with an article. 😃 😃

Those of you who have not read the first part of this series please read here: [DMoF]DID YOU TOO GET MONEY FROM ME?? PART 1 [DMoF]

This article is a report of the rewards and salaries given out by me to different eIndian citizens who won this week’s rewards under the INDIAN ARMY PROGRAM.

Firstly, in all 245500 INR was spent in order to REWARD THE WINNERS and to PAY THE SALARY of DISPATCHERS.

The picture below shows the amount of INR dispatched to respective eIndian citizen as REWARDS for their HARD FIGHTING EFFORTS in the INDIAN ARMY PROGRAM:

And this picture show the amount of INR paid as Salary to the DISPATCHERS:

NOTE: Due to some MISCALCULATIONS and MISUNDERSTANDING the dispatchers got sent more salary than they should have been sent. So the respective amounts will be cut from their next week’s salary.
Sorry for the INCONVENIENCE.

This is all for now folks, expect more and more articles from me soon.

Signing off,
Yours Friendly,