[DL] Seanan speaks Elf

Day 1,337, 18:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

This article was written by Seanan. Thank you to [PATRICK O’Leary] for publishing my article in eIreland.

Hello my fellow knackers,
(pretty pictures after the speech)

It is good to see our GLORIOUS country currently on the map. We should gracefully thank EDEN and TERRA fighters for giving us a few more regions, and allowing us a chance to get ourselves a Dail. Shout and mail all Irish two-clickers you know and tell them to take an Irish job as soon as they can! On the 23rd, everyone run for congress in regions we own... evenly spaced.

Now, I get serious - Ireland. Listen carefully; We are very likely going to lose our regions again.

As fate would have it, the United Kingdom's politics involves the need to maintain an "Empire" and to suppress the "pesky colonists". Its how their CPs, Dail and ministers are elected. We play our part by existing - and we like to exist. They do not care about our retention, they do not care about "game honour" or sportsmanship, and their country is riddled with career politicians so you can expect them to be only caring about their own personal career. Making the UK community feel special does not involve their government putting them on the losing side, or compromising when the tide is in their favour (the tide changing is the next guys problem).

No, they are going to attack us and we would be selfish to expect EDEN to defend us indefinitely. We will fight, we will attempt to secure a Dail for this month but while ONE is at her peak, you can expect to be fighting in a Resistance war in future.

That said, you should in no way feel discouraged.

We have held true to our friendships across the eWorld, official orders or not, many players fight to help us. Not because we can return the favour in the same multitude, but because we never compromised our commitment to our friends in the international community. We are a modest country, and you should take comfit that we have the most important part of this game: a respected community.

Keep going strong Ireland, and send me gold.

Hello Irish Citizen,

Brits keeping you down? Tired of the small idle chat in #Ireland? Want to put the Irish back into your swagger?


The Irish Army
The official militia of Ireland, free from political bias since when the Junta decided so.

*Benefit from our high quality supplies - Full health along with 3-10 Q5 weapons
*Make your fights count - Constantly updated orders, and an officer to help you coordinate your efforts.
*Join the community - #IrishArmy is the Irish crossroads where all local and international soldiers meet to talk about manly things.
*Be Sexy - In a range of avatars and general experience gained fighting with us

So what are you waiting for? Contact Seanan today!
Join the fight!

Thanks for reading
