[DICKTRAKTOR8]The Final day

Day 3,906, 14:25 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Alfa UKSF
of me changing taxes

Well it seems like the chattering of the indignant has subsided for the moment and we can only hope they are stewing in righteous anger (as well as impotence) before they return to the fore.

So time to take stock and explain the general rational behind my rampant and unchecked pushing of all the buttahns.
Our merry band has long been of the opinion that you choose your ends from your means and that for the longest time, the UK gov has not really been capable of providing you with a good service.

If we out aside the apathy, lack of vision and poor gameplay we can excuse this by the simple fact that providing a service to a wide range of individuals is an almost impossible task.

Some of you are new players, some only produce items, some fight on the battlefield and some only fight in the comment section.

It's therefore much better that you decide what you want your money to be spent on and whilst it may only be an extra 7cc per click that adds up pretty fast into something useful.

therefore work tax was lowered to 1%

The introduction of the GDP graph skewered one of my previous assumptions that any factories within the eUK are dead factories by showing that even with our poor resource base we produce something other then food locally!

I therefore decided to increase import levels on Food, Weapons, Aircraft weapons (more on them in a bit) and moving tickets. Higher tariffs would, you might think, lead to price gouging and this may very well be the case if some of you weren't smart enough to know you could go to a foreign nation, buy cheap goods there and sell them on the eUK market. The savvy UK producer who doesn't have to effectively pay double the VAT will ofc have the edge on you but profits and thus a degree of protection is maintained.

Import taxes on all products but Housing to 99%

Aircraft weapons are as slightly different case in that the minimal damage increase isn't worth the cost of even the cheapest weapon on the eWorld markets and therefore discouraging their use was perhaps a good idea.

Aircraft Weapon VAT to 25%(max).
Other laws

Minimum Wage
Minimum wage increased to the point where 1 click will buy you one piece of Q5 food. This is a minor measure just to ensure that no citizen should work themselves to death, unlikely as that might be.

MPPS not being signed is due to the incoming 'resource concession' rules and not only cuts costs but increases our flexibility. Expect us to be running a very, very light stack for the foreseeable future.

Romanian embargo was pretty much a Pirate Cat thing which sprung out of an argument about what Keers would do if it happened. Some of us thought he'd be all "My duty is the the country and I will be part of/lead the rebellion" whereas some of us thought he'd run off to protect his resources but toss us a "I'll be funding the revolution from a far with guns and money" as he boarded his flight.

The loss for me was double as not only did I (and other cats) have factories in Romania but I also thought he'd stay and moralfag. In retrospect my pressing the 'vote impeachment' button without realising it would be the decisive and only vote probably contributed to my defeat..........ah well!

I did offer to compensate any Romanians losing access to their factories but someone in their gov told me that none of them are stupid enough to site a factory is such poor resource regions as the eUK owns.

Let a known and respected Ukrainian fighter into the UK so he could still fight for the Ukraine and also collect his 'League of Allies' rewards. The event is over and he has returned back to Ukrainian citizenship

I did offer Talon Karrde and Huey the option of staying on in their roles as MoE and Mo£ but they declined (Huey does still control the money and retains control of all but one organisation).

I did however sack Paul Tyndale and Mr Immanuel Kant (chances are they would of left anyway) as MoD and MoFA due to the failure to stop a coup happening and there not being enough allies present to assist in stopping the coup from happening.

I thought this might be a step on the road to establishing the thinking that ministers have to do stuff when in that position rather then do stuff to get that position then do nothing. I was advised that such a thing wouldn't catch on so now I just appoint any cats that fancied posting on the national wall.

Issue Money
I also converted all the gold in the treasury into currency.

The conversion ratio when compared to the monetary market is godawful but then if I or even any past CP could move it to the monetary market then it would of been done already. The only thing gold in the treasury can be used for is the rare 'Declaration of war' button which has been almost entirely replaced by the NE button.

So instead of some 450 potential somethings if the rules change we now have 80,000 things we can actually use.
The world has outwardly settled back into the usual regime of training wars and occasional surprising bouts of epics.

Beneath the surface there is much paddling as world leaders and their minions carefully consider the new changes and how best to adapt to them and we hope to bring you some news on these events in the coming days.

I would also like to remind you of the new TW agreement with Croatia and more specifically - DO NOT TRY RW WALES OR N.IRELAND - I mean you are free to give it a go but these regions are not part of the usual cycle of RWs which we win and the sponsors get free medals.

There are no current supplies on offer or CO's for UK fighters.

We will however be going to war before the end of the week.

34th article of the new age
Your account, Your choices, Your Dictator