[DICKTRAKTOR6]Do you remember

Day 3,904, 13:06 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Alfa UKSF
Chalk hearts melting on a playground wall
Dawn escapes from moon washed college halls
The cherry blossom in the market square
I thought it was confetti in our hair


Did you think I was getting lazy and burnt out after only 6 days and would fail to update you on my shenanigans?

In the 27th Article since the new dawn I do regret to inform you that there isn't a great deal of interesting subjects for me to converse with you about and the highlight of my day has been starting up the new Pirate Party thread after the last one started to become unwieldy after 402 posts over 17 days.

With the new one at 53 posts in little over 3 hours I already begin the process of thinking of a witty title and intro for the next one - Such are the burdens of activity.

I did however remember to do some 'national' stuff and after amending some group messages and having some brief chats to sort out some minor technical issues with the day to day running of the nation, I hope to once again talk to some of our military chiefs and boffins before the end of the day with another step towards military reform.

With the 'League of Allies' event reaching its climax, nations around the globe are turning their sights to the next 'big thang' - Determination & Resource Concession.

Deposed CP Spite313 has written about the introduction of these new rules here - https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-economist-comments-on-the-recent-proposed-game-changes-2676370/1/20 and here - https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-economist-resource-rental-in-depth-review-2676537/1/20

PMs are starting to be exchanged between nations feeling out the other side for both TW and resource rental dealings.

In tomorrows article I will be going through what this means for the eUK (Unless someone beats me to it).

We've also been discussing a small change to our TW contract with Croatia and some citizens resident in certain regions have already been contacted, informed and offered compensation to move, cope or otherwise deal with the small and temporary adjustment.

The fifth and final day of strike packages for taking part in the LoA event has now ended.

Everyday any eUK player who showed up and proffered their link was supplied with 100 Q5 Food and 10 Q7 weapons or a total of 5,000 energy and 500 hits if they made it every day.

Supplies are now ended until further notice (especially as them Turks refuse to be moved from Lapland 🙁 ) so it's back to your own MU's for goody bags.

We are however searching for a place to attempt an AS preferably on Wednesday or Thursday of next week.

Your account, Your choices, Your Dictator