[Derp4PotUS] My Mane Crew

Day 3,483, 09:39 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Dearest Americans,

No good administration is complete without a solid cabinet. As much as I’d love to do all the work myself, there’s only so much time in the day to get things done. You’ll usually want multiple people.

With as much as I have planned this month, I definitely need a bunch of quality, hard-working people.

Without further ado, here’s my staff for the month:



This should come as no surprise to anyone. Gnil is one of the hardest working, most-talented, and well-respected individuals in the community today. Whether it was helping to build EZC into a powerhouse, realizing the SFP dream of a Dictator-less month, or tanking HARD AF on the battlefield, Gnil has earned the respect of the community.

I’m honored to have his everlasting and vocal support in this campaign, as well as his advice in all matters, should I request it. He’s always one text away, ready to do what is needed for the country. I love having this man at my side, and I wouldn’t exchange him for anything else.

Secretar(ies) of State

Yui and Azazel Romanov

As I’ve stated before, Yui is my go-to choice for SG of Pacifica next month. I plan on pushing him as hard as I can, and getting him into that position. As such, Yui will be busy with the affairs of the alliance, should we succeed. While he can certainly continue to do his SoS duties, I’d rather give him a bit of help.

That’s where Naz comes in.

Azazel Romanov (New Azazel - Naz), is one of the most accomplished and respected of former presidents and secretaries of state. He’s worked with just about every nation under the sun, and has advised many administrations on foreign affairs. I’m honored to have him aboard, and I know I’ll be able to rely on him for all things.

Kalos Hoenn - DMJ - Supernana (Translator)

This group is the inaugural “State Media Team.” These are all active players, with diverse backgrounds, spanning three different parties. Their job will be to conduct weekly interviews with officials across the world and inform the nation on world events. Supernana is apparently fluent in 4 different languages, which will be great, if we ever need it!

They are all talented people, so I can’t wait to see the product they put out in the media!

The NSC Team

JFstpierre (Director) - WhyDoIBotherToo - Orikfricai

This crew is an active and engaged bunch of players who know how to take command of the military. JFstpierre has been a past part of the NSC staff in this administration, and I am proud to promote him to the head position. WDIB2 is the 2nd Commander of EZC, and I know he works hard. Hell, you can’t get that kind of position unless you’re good at your job. Orik is a steadfast worker, who is always willing to step in to do a job, and do it well . I’m very happy to have them all on this staff.

DoCA Director


During this next month, DoCA is going to have quite a bit to do! As such, I need to make sure I have someone in that job that I can trust to work hard, and who will reliably do the job.

SColbert is that kind of guy. Whatever job is thrown at him, he always goes above and beyond. I have no doubt that he will execute this office and promote its programs like nobody has done before. As such, I’m very thankful that he’s accepted my invitation to join this team.

Overall, this is a cabinet with a lot of old faces and a lot of fresh faces. It is my hope that this mix of new and old gives us a balance of ideas, heading into the future of this nation. These are all extremely hard workers who I know and trust to execute an exciting vision for what the United States can and should aspire to.

I’m quite surprised Dinnyin hasn’t published his cabinet yet, to be honest. He declared days before me, had been mulling running for months, and has nothing detailed to show. At all. Maybe we’ll get a vague article, promising an “engaged and exciting” cabinet, full of “the best” people.


What I do know, is that the eUS needs an administration that is reliable, effective, and active.

This is that administration.

The eUS should always aspire to greatness. This cabinet will take us there.