[Dept. of Info] - Cabinet Report, 6th of July.

Day 958, 23:49 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA
Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance has fully distributed all funds requested in the budget for June 2010. Preparations are under way for the transition to eRepublik Rising, but we still expect a bumpy road for the first week after the launch of Rising. With the launch of Rising confirmed by admin, I've noticed some changes in money markets around the world, which, together with uncertainty around product migration, has led to price instability around the world. The Reserve Bank of South Africa is continuing to actively protect eSouth Africa's money market, and as a result our exchange rate has remained at 0.02 ZAR/Gold.

The Department of Trade has continued to make preparations for eRepublik Rising, providing opportunities for potential General Managers to pool their resources and create new companies. As always the Department of Trade continues to track product prices and wages in eSouth Africa, and will continue to do so through the launch of eRepublik Rising. This is all done with the aim of recommending tax changes to the Economic Council of South Africa.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This term in Foreign Affairs has been one of consolidation. In stead of merely filling all ambassadorial positions, Foreign Affairs has rather worked at getting the right ambassadors in key embassies and working towards greater embassy activity. Foreign Affairs has also worked specifically towards strengthening relations with key allies.

There is always space for more ambassadors and anyone interested are always welcome to apply to the Ministry, as it is more important to build long-term relations than have people serve in ambassadorships for merely a month.

Ministry of Information

It's been a bit of an interesting term for the Ministry of Information with Nickerball and Fhaemita Malodorous resigning due to real life issues. Replacing them was Dartreal, former Minister of Public Relations (Information) who had came to eSouth Africa for a vacation from Government positions. Dartreal decided to help out the country that's been very kind to him by filling in position until the end of term. As mentioned in the last Cabinet Report, it was a bit of a late start for him to get things organised with Zamrg and Dartreal getting pwned by real life.

Now that things are under control I'm glad to see things have gone well for the Department. I always had fun with Information/Public Relations and the role isn't as difficult as many people think. I'm very happy to see the public of eSouth Africa have liked the informative articles I've written for the Congress and Cabinet. My two regrets I have with my brief run as Minister of Information is that:
A - It started late so I couldn't make a real impact with the Department, and
B - I won't be offering myself as Minister of Information next term. I want to have that break I was planning!

Regardless I'm happy to have helped out Zamrg and eSouth Africa and I'm happy my services were welcomed. I think after a few months of rest and recovery I will look at offering myself as Minister of Information again for eSouth Africa. To whoever takes over the role next term: feel free to use all of the comics I created for the Cabinet Report.

Ministry of Security

The Ministry of Security has been working very hard this term to ensure that eSouth Africa will once again have a smooth presidential election this month.

We have opted for a "two-candidate" strategy which will in the best case scenario allow us to have full democracy in that if the elected president is impeached, we still have a "safe" candidate stepping up as president. In the worst case scenario, it will allow us not to split the vote so much that the PTOers have an easy ride into the presidency.

Please remember that the only two candidates who are part of the Ministry of Security's strategy to ensure a safe country are:
Stryke Blayde

Ministry of Tourism

We recently ran a campaign to get you to help us get people into the country. I urge you all still to help! Please [url=http://]read this article for further details[/url]. That is it from the Ministry of Tourism but I would finish off by saying that I managed to keep us massively under budget!

That's all from the Cabinet this week and for this term. Thanks for reading. Please subscribe to this newspaper for future updates from the eSouth African Government.

Also, remember to come say hello on the eSouth African IRC. You can also follow eSouth Africa on our Facebook and Twitter accounts!

Minister of Information.