''Department'' of Education: Last Call

Day 597, 08:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Darragh O Faolain

Afternoon everyone!

Well, as I'm sure you've seen the Department of Education is no more. I have moved onto the field of Intelligence but I will be retaining my post as Head of the University, which will continue to run. For this term, teachers will keep their places and classes will continue uninterrupted. I ask all Professors to try and endeavour to post a lesson weekly, to keep the class afloat. Once again our wonderful teaching staff:

Advanced Erepublik : VACANT
Buisness Management: Mannimarco
eRepublik History: Digits
International Diplomacy and Communication: Kolshire
Basic Irish: Darragh O Faolain.

Applications are still accepted for the vacancy. If you have any other queries please contact me.
Unfortunately because of time constraints I will be unable to continue the interviews, I am sure that Kolshire will comply with that if wanted.

In other news, congratulations to Starks, Aran and the rest of our large cabinet. I look forward to working with everyone, particularly the Intelligence and Foreign Affairs Departments. I'm sure that even with such a big cabinet, we will get a lot done this term, haven't we already started with the two bills from Kiemar and Brian Boru? They can be viewed and discussed in the Dáil section by the way here: http://forum.erepublik-ie.com/index.php

I encourage you all to sign up and contribute to the forums, involving yourself in them makes the game a lot more enjoyable and opens it more more.

Finally, I'd like to announce I am running for Party President in the ISRP, with Nogin the Nog, business magnate and congresswoman extraordinaire as my VP. More on that later.

Until next time!