[Day 976] Your Daily Update

Day 976, 05:07 Published in Singapore Singapore by Tommy Aquinas

Welcome to the second Daily Update. Apologies for the lack of articles, it's been a hectic couple of days. In domestic news:

* If you look over there ---> at our ads, you will notice that our friendly group of PTO'er have begun their ad campaign early with the usual slanderous tactics. We have a detailed stategy worked out to combat this attempt, so make sure you follow official government orders, which wil be appearing shortly.
* This is an appeal to all our active players to join our ATO team Special orders will be released tomorrow to this team, who will work throughout the day to ensure we manage our voting effectively.
* Work is continuing on building the ONE alliance.
* A big shout out to iLord Solomon, Abdullah Australi, American Border Collie, Mista II and Parrington, who have done excellent work for their country in their respective fields in the last few days. I couldn't be prouder of them.
* Make sure you join in the Community Games by following the links below.

International wars have been hectic in the last couple of days, with the war module being plagued by bugs. The battlefields have been focused on Russia's march through the USA (who are now attacking California), the UK taking advantage of this to retake their regions, Ireland faciliating a Polish swap across USA to head Russia off, and the demise of Croatia as its last region was taken. Bugs seem to be preventing resistance wars there, so it remains a distinct possibility of PTO due to open citizenship.

The demise of Croatia and the swap across the USA
The attack on California and UK regains its region

These were just some of the good reads which popped in my inbox in the last while. Hope you enjoy.

First up are two articles from the same satirical writer I have just discovered and subscribed to. If you ever needed to know how to write an Ostin article, he offers you a step-by-step guide, and is also offering you a magic bottle of 'Don't care', its a bargain 😛 Also a quick shout out to Hekter, who are many months serving here in South East Asia is going to call it aday.

How to write an Ostin article
Why care when you could just not care
Taking charge of life - A departure

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