[Day 1591-1600] Earnings Statement

Day 1,600, 19:42 Published in USA USA by Rom Paul

Hello and thank you for taking a moment out of your busy life to read this. I know it is a bit long, but I personally promise it is worth it.

To make more efficient use of your time, it is suggested that you take an in depth look at the past 10 days here at our company.

By clicking -->HERE you can take a look at our very detailed and thoroughly documented earnings report of the past 10 days.

Now, a quick summary of what we've been up to these past 10 days...

Employee Salary Information

Average Daily Salary - $312.83

TAX FREE. That's right folks, it's all in the attached report above. In case you missed it, here's a snippet of the salary section of the above report.

NOBODY PAYS MORE THAN US. PERIOD. That's it, that's all you have to know.

How We Calculate Your Salary

It might look a little confusing in our report, but let me break it down for you as simply as I can.

I hire you for $1, so every time you click the "work" button, I automatically am forced to pay out a dollar to you. The current income tax is 18% so the government takes 18 cents out of that dollar and you receive 0.82 cents for working. So far so good?

Next, I take a look at the job markets offering for the day, for example if they are offering $296 for a days work, I round that number to the nearest 10, so $294 becomes $300. Now I take that "adjusted" job market number and subtract $10 from it. The new number is $290. I donate this amount of money to you so you don't pay ANY taxes on it.

Now up to this point, this is basically what our competition does. The competition however usually pays around $270 tax free, while our value fluctuates with what the job market offers, minus 10. Already, you are getting a better deal by working for us, and the competition know it.

But here's where things get taken to the next level. We are the ONLY company in erepublik that pays out a BONUS. Not just any bonus, a bonus ON TOP of a tax free salary.

We calculate the bonus like this. Whatever our daily profit as a whole was for the day, 1.5% of it is sent to each employee that worked that day. EACH.

For example, if we made $1500 for the day, each employee gets $22.50 donated to them.

If we made $2100 for the day, each employee gets $31.50 donated to them.

Add it all up and you are looking at the best damn tax free salary in erepublik.

How We Pay Out Your Salary

If you are an employee at our company, you are given access to our financials via google docs and you can see EXACTLY how much you are getting paid and why. There is absolutely NO MONKEY BUSINESS going on here

At the beginning of the next work day, I send you your tax free salary and your bonus in 2 separate payments so you see the math all adds up.

Why I'm Posting All of This Here

At the end of the day, I need employees. Actually, WE need employees. You see, the more employees that work for me, the more money I make. The more money I make, the more money YOU make.

With that said, we need 3 more dedicated, loyal employees that will work every day. Find my job offer for $1 in the job market offerings.

If you take a look at the earnings report above, you can see that when I had a full load of employees working for me (6), I was paying out the highest bonus ($34.69).

We've lost 3 employees over the past 4 days due to multi's and new players that just stopped showing up.

Do the math, are you happy at your current job knowing you could be making more?

A Message To My Loyal Employees

To my 3 loyal employees that have been with me for the past 10 day bloc... Thanks for believing in the company, thanks for not missing work, and thanks for being a part of something that will open a lot of opportunities to a lot of players. Here's to adding 3 more to the wolf pack...

Oh, and to the three of you that made it through our first 10 days...

Mr Andrews

Please find enclosed your $500 tax returns. Shut up, I know you guys don't pay taxes, just TAKE IT!!!!