Day 1,203, 09:32 Published in Egypt Egypt by Archangel Uriel

Hello my reading citizens!

For already 3 days, the war between Israel, UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia is raging.

Each one of the countries has it's own ally.

I'm now gonna revie them to you.

- Allies - Egypt, Croatia and Greece
- Already conquered territories - 2
- Already taken away territories - 0
- Leading Army - Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
- President - Rheinlander von Phalz
- War view - http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/4101

- Allies - Israel and Croatia
- Already conquered territories - 2
- Already taken away territories - 0
- Leading Army - Egyptian Armed Forces (EAF)
- President - heboo
- War view - http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/4117

United Arab Emirates
- Allies - Poland, Russia and Serbia
- Already conquered territories - 2
- Already taken away territories - 0
- Leading Army - United Arab Emirates United Defence Force (UAEUDF)
- President - Al'Capone
- War view - http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/4100

Saudi Arabia
- Allies - None
- Already conquered territories - 0
- Already taken away territories - 6
- Leading Army - Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG)
- President - Lawrence of Arabia

War wap
Like any other war, the Middle East War too has a wiki page. This is the page:

In that page it spacifide the current map of the war. And from my duty is to present it to you. So here it is:

Click on the map for a bigger view

Color list:
- Blue - The main attacking countries that are involved with the war. Egypt, Israel and UAE.
- Light Blue - Allied countries with the attacking countries
- Red - The attacked country - Saudi Arabia.

That's it for today! Check in tomorrow for further updates!!!