**Daniel Dodge into Congress**

Day 1,061, 10:43 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Kia Ora eKiwis and Sheep

First and foremost we owe a round of applause to those who worked so hard in the ATO efforts yesterday, all of our candidates pulled through to victory.

Second, we are now conducting primaries for the Congressional race. It was decided that the best way to do this is an in-forum primary which will produce our 40 candidates as decided by you, the people.

To be frank, I would like to be one of those candidates, so if you could, please head over to the thread and vote for me, Daniel Dodge.

I have served 5 terms in Congresses in 2 different countries, I work hard and feel I can be a great asset as we form a firm foundation for this country. If selected to run, the pillars of my campaign will be ATO, Economy, Retention and Foreign Affairs. I will issue more detailed statements after the primary.

I hope to receive your vote, either way, until next time, thank you and God bless.

Daniel Dodge