[DAL] Well Done MOO & COI on keping tRolo on the ballot

Day 1,396, 08:29 Published in Canada Canada by Cypher Rahl

Yesterday started out great! With a narrow lead over tRolo at 6-4 aftr my own vote i was very happy. As th day continued on the Gap increased till about a 24-14 lead hld by me. However it was around supper tim that things began to change. I received a PM informing me tRolo was offring 20 Tanks a vote to whom ever would move into the DAL and ote or him. Thankfully one of my supporters said NO!

This however was not the only obsticle standing in the way of the re birth and return of the DAL. NEW PP of MOO and member of COI Irontoader, ex DAL member who suffered great insult whil DAL was under the reign of Scorpius took it apon himself to find peopl and members to cross th floor to DAL and vote back in tRolo. J.Canuck himself openly admited to takin the 20 Q5 Tanks bein offered to come vote against Myself an continue the tRolo PTO.

I am amazed and dumb founded how many people hold such hate for a Party that sommany themselves hld ambitions and hopes for. Every single former member of DAL who have stood inthe way of its return must surely understand that the 2 BIGGEST factors to the DAL always being stuck in Nutral with no advacement are GONE, No Scorpius and No Cit B meansth party is finally free to grow to it potential.

To Irontoader i say only this, you day will come, to MOO i say sham on everyon that interfeared, and to COI i say the same. Addy promised there would be no interfearence but i see now ADDY is no longer th one in lead roll, that obviously belongs to Irontoader.

To everyon who came and supporte m i say thank you and i say wory not, The DAL will NEVER DIE! I will never give up and i will nevr quit. We will have our hom back one day my frinds!

--Cypher Rahl DAL PP Hopefull