[Culture] Simple Dare on Love Month

Day 1,897, 06:00 Published in Philippines Philippines by Boy Pick Up


If you haven't noticed, Valentine's day is less than a month away. Since love is just around the corner, I am giving something for everyone to do on Love Month.

My dare is just simple, Take a picture of your special someone and use it as your Avatar in eRepublik for the WHOLE Month of February.

Most of you will question, WHAT'S IN IT FOR US?

Well, I will pay anybody who will do it for a corresponding period of time.

1 Week: 200cc
2 Weeks: 500cc
3 Weeks: 700cc
4 Weeks: 1000cc
5+ Weeks: 1200cc

BONUS: 500cc if you do it on a social networking site.

Just fill in the form to be given and put your special someone as your avatar.

It cannot be a celebrity or famous people like what most people would do. It cannot also be a troll like beggars or something. (Dat's rude!)

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Boy Pick Up
Grand Duke of Visayas
Minister of Culture and Education