[CPP]~Zombies got you down?~[X-Gamer]

Day 1,195, 10:57 Published in Canada Iran by X-Gamer

Zombies got ya down? You tired of those boring political parties out there doing nothing except sitting about and waiting til election days? You want to get involved and join an active party with tons of great people and friends waiting to be met? Well I think I have the answer for you!

The Canadian Paradox Party

The Canadian Paradox Party is here to help you!

You don't have to be a zombie, you can be an active politican, an active soldier, or just an active over all citizen by joining CPP! We offer things to help our members stay alive like Free Food, free housing, an active community and society, great leadership and romodols in current Canadian society! All of these things are set in place in CPP to save you from this zombie infestation!

Free Food

That's right! All CPP members can get up to 50 health of food every day and it's as simple as this!

Register on the forums

Post here to get forum membership masking

Lastly, post here to get your free food!

This whole process takes less than 5 minutes, all you need to do is say "I want some food" and bam you get an instant 50 health worth of food! Come join CPP and stay alive today!

Free Housing

Been homeless for a while? Those other parties not helping you out? You tired of seeing your health go down day after day after DAY? Well the CPP is giving away houses, yes that's right! We're giving them away! Want to know how?

Once you fit these 2 requirements, all you gotta do is stick around and wait to win!

The Community

Want to be active? Want to know what it's like to be a top Canadian? Want to meet some of the best and nicest people in all of Canada, possibly and probably even the world? All you have to do is sign up on the CPP forums and stick around, Post about, and Check It Out! We have tons of experienced and active Canadians, tons of people who are there to help you, whether you're old, young, or inbetween, we're here for you!

The Canadian Paradox Party; Socialism at it's finest .