[CPP] Do YOU Have What It Takes? Now Hiring...

Day 1,210, 11:21 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

In an initiative to help get younger members more involved in politics, the Canadian Paradox Party is looking for new members and citizens who want to be active and take intitive in Canada!

We're looking fresh blood, with skills and talent who want to be among the best! We are looking for the best and the fresh... the Canadian Paradox Party is looking for new members who think they excel in MEDIA more than others!

What do we mean? We mean the Canadian Paradox Party, is currently looking for a HEAD OF MEDIA, Executive Member! Does this sound like your kind of specialty? Something you excel in? Something you have a PASSION for? If so... continue reading...

So you think you got what it takes to join the CPP executive.. But do you meet the requirements?

1. You must be able to edit a picture, just the basics
2. You must be on IRC for at least 20 minutes a day - or the equivalent in forum posts
3. You must be able to write an article, and portray party events in writing!
4. You MUST be a CPP member!

Yes, these are the requirements to be among CPP's executive, so if you're interested in aiding CPP in the media department... or being a leader in the parties public out-reach aspect, just send a message to the CPP party president, 00AngryMobMan00.

You too, can be influential... and help in the recruitment aspect by helping make these articles! But don't feel too discouraged, you do not need to be some super amazing 5-time media mogul to get in.. no, we are just looking for competent members of the CPP, who have a passion for WRITING!

Like we stated.. if this sounds like your kind of ideal job, send a message to the CPP party president, 00AngryMobMan00.

Onwards Paradoxia, Onwards eCanada!