[CPF] The Blue Moose Rises

Day 1,770, 05:32 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest
The CPF Congress Team

Greetings eCanada. The Canadian Progressive Front stands as strong as ever heading into this month's Congressional Election. The admins may have changed the rules, but we still have an impressive team lined up to serve the citizens of this nation responsibly and honestly. I present the first 20 of the CPF's proposed congressmen. These are the individuals you are voting for on the 25th!

1) ElPatoDiablo
4)Christian Doe
5)Randall Flagg 1999
6)George Beeman
7)Auk Rest
11)JoeyJoJo Shabbadoo
12)Exalted Druid
17)Sally Willis
19)Genyng Kislev

The Canadian Progressive Front Moving Forward

Now here it comes.

Why should you support us? The CPF has stood fast and represents responsibility, government accountability, and transparency. We have proven ourselves to be the defenders of eCanada and have stood up to those who would exploit Canada for their own personal goals.

What I say next will not be popular to our “elites”, but what I am about to say must be said.

Currently, the Executive is held by Wally Cleaver and the Norsefire/MDP Coalition. Wally has shown he is an irresponsible wildcard with his rogue alliance proposals to traditional enemies of eCanada without any sort of public discussion and again with him pretending to have stolen money from the country which led to an unsuccessful impeachment movement.

The CPF will stand fast against the blatant disrespect of Wally and the Coalition for the laws of this nation. It has been a theme of Rolo to call our party roleplayers, but Rolo and Norsefire have always operated under a philosophy of rule or ruin. They will rule the country for their own benefit using whatever means, be that roleplay or otherwise. Or if not in power, will make life miserable for everyone else, which is one major reason there are so many eCanadian e😜ats in the eUnited States. The opinions of Rolo and those who follow him in detriment to this country carry no weight to me or to the CPF.

The Canadian Progressive Front is open to discussion, collaboration and working with other parties. I am proud to say that there is no more bad blood between the CPF and Clan Wolf due to successful talks with the Clan Wolf PP Quimbie Muffins over the current state of eCanada. We will be willing to work with any party that can truly say and has demonstrated they have goals similar to ours in building a stronger eCanada.

eCanada finds itself at a crossroads. There have been numerous words said about the pervading Coalition influence on this country for months, but now is the time for all those words to become actions. You, the citizen, hold the power of change in your hands so that we can finally come together as a nation and cast aside the Coalition. Some say we can’t do it, but I believe this country can. Which is more enticing, a country free of corruption and a restoration of responsibility, or 20 tanks bribing you for a vote courtesy of Rolo?

It is your decision.

A vote for the CPF will be a vote to bring accountability back to the eCanadian government, one step taken in the right direction.

Our Seven Tenets:

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable, and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy.

-Auk Rest
Party President of The Canadian Progressive Front