[CPF] School of Politiks

Day 949, 16:38 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus

The Canadian Progressive Front has done it again. Alongside the Canadian Empire Party, joint operations led to 20 secured seats; that is 50% of congress. Every single candidate the CPF decided to run outside the Q5 regions won by a margin of 4+ votes. The only exception was Nova Scotia, where NARC had unexpected problems throughout the day, and they did not get a seat under the CPF banner.

The CPF had more votes than any other party. Despite being less than half the size of the DAL, we had 30 more votes. We're about the same size as the UN, but had over 100 more votes than them...

The CPF was the only party to elect more than 20% (1/5, the average for top5 parties) of the congressmen.

It is a fact that this has been of the most successful elections in Canadian history for any party.

How do we do it?

My entire career right now in eCanada is based on improving our political system. On giving it some new life. Over the next few weeks the CPF will be announcing the launch of several unique and innovative schemes, applying and learning techniques to improve and revolutionize the meaning of a party in eCanada.

So I invite the DAL, the UN, and EPIC to come to the CPF forums and ask the CPF about the Strategic Voting Team techniques. We will be happy to share and discuss with all parties how we do things, learn how they do things, and discuss methods of improvement. Politically we may be opponents, but I believe in a system where we can learn from each other. My offer is open to all parties, all they need to do is send someone who runs their strategic voting team to the CPF forums.

For the parties that take me up on this offer, thank you for recognizing that we can learn from each other. The CPF has great techniques but it is our team that makes us so successful. Helping fellow Canadians by leading by example...that is what the CPF is all about.

If you are just a regular citizen, trying to get along in the game, why don't you check out the CPF forums? Even if you aren't a party member, you will be able to get access to several relevant discussions, and participate in them. If you need mentorship, are looking for advice, or want to get involved in the game, in politics, business, foreign affairs, the military, journalism, or anything else, the CPF can help you find your niche.

Its a pleasure Canada,